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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Feinberg, Jane. 1993. The American experience Amelia Earhart. MITC VC 545 IN
Book Feinberg, Joel, 1926- Reason and responsibility : readings in some basic problems of philosophy. B21.F4 1971 IN
 6 Feinberg, Richard.
Book Feinberg, Rosa Castro. Bilingual education : a reference handbook. LC3731.F45 2002 IN
Book Feinberg, Todd E. From axons to identity : neurological explorations of the nature of the self. BF697.F443 2009 IN
Book Feiner, Steven K. Computer graphics : principles and practice. T385.C587 1990 IN
Video Feingold, David Trading women. MITC VC 1143 IN
Book Feinsinger, Peter, 1948- Designing field studies for biodiversity conservation : the nature conservancy. QH75.F45 2001 IN
Book Feinstein, Charles, 1954- Privatization possibilities among Pacific island countries. Pac.HD4415.6.P45 1968 IN
Book Feirer, John Teacher's guide : waiter-waitress. Pac.TX925.M59 1965 IN
Book Feis, Herbert, 1893-1972. Japan subdued : the atomic bomb and the end of World War in the Pacific. D767.2 .F4 1961 IN
Book Fejarang, Teresita Manhihita humat'sa I telai : building bridges together : 1996 Annual Report. Pac.HV1568.M5M31 1996 IN
Book Fejeran, Tony. Planes. CRC Pic.K14 2013 IN
Book Fejerang, Teresita Pacific Basin Interagency Leadership Conference, March 3 - 8, 1996, Koror, Palau: conference proceedings. Pac.LA2270.M5P11 1996 IN
Book Felando, August. U.S. Tuna fleet ventures in the Pacific Islands.
Book Felce, David. Behavioral observation : technology and applications in developmental disabilities. RC570.2.B44 2000 IN
Video Feld, Eliot. The west side story. MITC VC 153 IN
Book Feldberg, Sonia. Maka'ainana (People of the Land) : the issue of Hawaiian sovereignty, the life cycle of Ka Lahui. Pac.JX245.H3F45 1996a IN
Serial Felder, Darryl L. The Pinnixa cristata complex in the western Atalantic, with a description of two new species (Crustacea, Dcapoda, Pinnotheridae). Gov. SI 1.27:473 IN
Book Feldhamer, George A. Mammalogy : adaptation, diversity, and ecology. QL703 .M36 1999 IN
Book Feldhaus, Anne. In the absence of God : the early years of an Indian sect. BL1277.83.S6713 1992 IN
 2 Feldman, David, 1950-
Book Feldman, David B. The end-of-life handbook : a campassionate guide to connecting with and caring for a dying love one. Ref.R726.8.F33 2007 IN
Book Feldman, Jean R., 1947- Wonderful rooms where children can bloom! : over 500 innovative ideas and activities for your child-centered classroom. LB1537.F46 1997 IN
Book Feldman, Jerome, 1944- The art of Micronesia : the University of Hawaii Art Gallery. Pac.NX596.M5F45 1986 c.1 IN
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