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Book Chapman, Cheryl. Pass the fritters, critters. CRC Pic.C33 1993 IN
Book Chapman, D. Brent. Building Internet firewalls. TK5105.59.C49 1995 IN
Book Chapman, E. C. Farmers in the forest : economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand. S602.87.F22 1977 IN
Book Chapman, Frederick T., illus. Drake, the man they called a pirate. PZ7.L34d 1960 IN
Book Chapman, Gary D., 1938- The 5 love languages : the secret to love that lasts. HQ734.C4665 2015 IN
Book Chapman, Hal. Rubbish is a resource! : a waste resource kit for the Pacific Islands. Pac.TD793.9.O25 2006 IN
Book Chapman, Jane, 1970- ill. Bear stays up for Christmas. CRC Pic.W69 2004 IN
Book Chapman, Janice L. Singing and teaching singing : a holistic approach to classical voice. MT820.C34 2006 IN
 5 Chapman, Jessica.
Book Chapman, Karen B. The Marino mission : one girl, one mission, one thousand words. PZ7.C36m 2005 IN
Book Chapman, L. Capture section report of tuna fisheries development, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea : by S. Beverly and L. Chapman. Pac.SH351.T8C37 1996 IN
 7 Chapman, L. B.
Book Chapman, L. Coastal Fisheries Programme Manager. Marine species identification manual for horizontal longline fishermen = Manual d'identification des espèces marines destine aux pêcheurs à lapalangre horizontale. Pac.QL636.5.C32 2006 IN
Book Chapman, L., [et al]. (Lindsay) Marine species identification manual for horizontal longline fishermen = Manual d'identification des espèces marines destine aux pêcheurs à lapalangre horizontale. Pac.QL636.5.C32 2006 IN
Book Chapman, L. (Lindsay) et al. Fish species identification manual for deep-bottom snapper fishermen = Manuel d'identification des poissons destine aux Pécheurs de vivaneaux profonds. Pac.QL636.5C64 2008 IN
 2 Chapman, Linda
 7 Chapman, Lindsay.
Book Chapman, Lindsay B. Secretariat of the Pacific Community fish aggregating device (FAD) manual. Pac.SH319.O3.G23 1998 IN
Book Chapman, Linley. The first taint of civilization : a history of the Caroline and Marshall Islands in pre-colonial days, 1521-1885. Pac.DU565.H49 1983 IN
Book Chapman, Megan. Legislative and regulatory options for animal welfare. FAO.K3620.V2 2010eb IN
 2 Chapman, Michael.
 5 Chapman, Murray.
Book Chapman, Murray, co-editor. Circulation in population movement : substance and concepts from the Melanesian case. Pac.HB2152.55.A3C57 1985 IN
Book Chapman, Murray Thomas. Population research in the Pacific islands : a case study and some reflections. Pac.HB881.A1E38 IN
Serial Chapman, Patricia Luce. Resio Moses, much too young!.
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