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Book United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Region III. Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (MAIA) estuaries, 1997-98 : summary report : environmental conditions in the mid-Atlantic estuaries. Gov.EP1.2:M58/20/SUM. IN
Book United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Region IX. Management of Pacific Island resources for the next millennium : 18th annual Pacific Islands Conference, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, June 21-25, 1999. Pac.HC681.3.E5P12 2000 c.1 IN
 2 United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Region IX. Pacific Insular Areas Program.
 8 United States. Executive Office of the President,
Book United States. Extension Service. Agricultural pests of the Pacific series. Pac.SB605.O3A37 IN
Mixed United States. Far East Command. Phosphate deposits of Angaur Island, Palau Islands. Pac GN 440 A34 IN
Book United States. Federal Agency Task Force for Missing and Exploited Children. Federal resources on missing and exploited children : a directory for law enforcement and other public and private agencies. Gov.PR 42.8:C 43/2 2007 IN
 3 United States. Federal Aviation Administration.
Book United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Airport Safety and Standards. Wildlife strikes to civil aircraft in the United States 1990-2003. Gov.TD4.152:W64 IN
 4 United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Pacific-Asia Region.
Book United States. Federal Aviation Administration. Telecommunications Management & Operations Division. Future Federal Aviation Administration telecommunications plan : "Fuchsia book". Gov.TD4.83:2003 IN
 7 United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Serial United States. Federal bureau of Investigation. Counterterrorism Threat Assesment and Warning Unit. Terrorism in the United States. Gov.J1.14/22:994 IN
Book United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Criminal Justice Information Services Division. Violent encounters : a study of felonious assaults on our nation's law enforcement officers. Gov.J1.14/2:EN1 IN
Serial United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Criminal Justice Information Systems Section. CJIS : a newsletter for the criminal justice community. Gov. J 1.14/24: IN
Serial United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Office of Congressional and Public Affairs. FBI law enforcement bulletin. Gov.J1.14/8:69/4 IN
Serial United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Public Affairs Office. FBI law enforcement bulletin. Gov.J1.14/8:69/4 IN
Serial United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Uniform Crime Reports Section. In the line of fire : a study of selected felonious assaults on law enforcement officers. Gov.J1.14/2:F51/2 IN
Book United States. Federal Emergency Management Agancy, Community Emergency Response Team. Gov.HS5.125:C 73/V.1 IN
 7 United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Book United States. Federal Glass Ceiling Commission. Good for business : making full use of the nation's human capital. Gov.L1.2: B96 IN
Book United States. Federal Housing Administration. Analysis of the Guam, U.S.A. housing market : as of 19--. Pac.HD7388.G8U58 1967 IN
Book United States. Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration. World Trade Center building performance study : data collection, preliminary observations, and recommendations. Gov.FE1.2:W89 IN
Serial United States. Federal Register Division. Public papers of the presidents of the United States. Gov.AE2.114:2005 IN
Book United States. Federal Water Quality Administration, Truk Islands fishkill :| bApril 17, 1970. Pac.SH171.B68 1970 IN
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