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Book Crompton, D. W. T. (David William Thomasson), 1937- Preventive chemotherapy in human helminthiasis : coordinated use of anthelminthic drugs in control interventions : a manual for health professsionals and programme managers. BTL QV253.P92 2006 box 200 IN
Book Cronan, D. S. $q(David Spencer) Metalliferous sediments in the CCOP/SOPAC region of the southwest Pacific, with particular reference to geochemical exploration for the deposits. Pac.TN264.C76 1983 IN
Book Crone, Deanne A. Responding to problem behavior in schools : the behavior education program. LB1060.2.C76 2004 IN
Book Crone, James A. How can we solve our social problems?. HN18.3.C76 2007 IN
Book Crone, Tom. Law and the media : an everyday for professionals. K3255.C76 1995 IN
Book Cronin, Gloria L., 1947- Encyclopedia of Jewish American literature. Ref.PS153.J4C76 2009 IN
Book Cronin, Michael, 1960- Across the lines : travel, language, translation. P106.C757 2000 IN
Book Cronk, Lee. Adaptation and human behavior : an anthropological perspective. GN365.9A33 2000 IN
 3 Cronkite, Walter.
Book Crookall, David. Simulation, gaming, and language learning. P53.78.S56 1990 IN
Book Cropp, Fritz Journalism across cultures. PN4888.M56J68 2003 IN
Book Croppenstedt, Andre. Gender in agriculture : closing the knowledge gap. FAO.HD6077.G45 2014 IN
 2 Cros, Jean-Louis.
 2 Crosbie, Allison A.
Video Crosby, Bing. White Christmas. MITC VC 627 IN
Book Crosby, Harry H., jt. auth. Better spelling in 30 minutes a day. PE1145.2.E44 1995 IN
Book Crosby, Robert Jr. 1974- Inspiring innovation : examining the operational, policy, and technical contributions made by Vice Admiral Samuel L. Gravely Jr. and his successors. Gov.D208.214:1/2020 IN
Book Crosetti, Donatella. Interactions between aquaculture and capture fisheries : a methodological perspective. FAO.SH1.G317 no. 78 IN
Book Crosley, Sloane. The clasp. PS3603.R673C58 2015 IN
Mixed Crosnier Alain The zoology of the Voyage au pôle sud et dans l'Océanie sur les corvettes I'Astrolabe et la Zélée exécuté par ordre du rol pendant les années 1837-1838-1839-1840 sous le commandement de M. Dumontd'Urville (1842–1854): titles, volumes, plates, text, contents, proposed dates and anecdotal history of the publication. VerF.1214 Pac. IN
Book Cross, Amanda, 1926- Death in a tenured position. PB CRO OUT
Video Cross, Ben Spartacus. MITC ENT 18 OUT
Book Cross, Charles, 1953- From Plato to Piaget : the greatest educational theorists from across the centuries and around the world. LB14.7.C66 1993 IN
Book Cross, F. L. (Frank Leslie), 1900-1968. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church. Ref.BR95.O8 1997 IN
Book Cross, Gwen. Aloha Solomons. Pac DU850 .C86 IN
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