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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Wolfenbarger, D. O. (Daniel Otis), 1904- Insect pests of the avocado and their control. Pac.S49.E2 no. 605A IN
Book Wolferen, Karel Van. The enigma of Japanese power : people and politics in a stateless nation. JQ1681.W83 1989 IN
Book Wolff, Cynthia Griffin, ed. Four stories by American women. PS647.W6F68 1990 IN
Video Wolff, Jurgen. Double double toil and trouble. MITC VC 1051 IN
Book Wolff, Kay. The last run : an American woman's years inside a Colombian drug family--and her dramatic escape. HV5825.W562 1989 IN
Book Wolff, Lisa. Write about...intermediate writing activities. PE1128.C84 1982 IN
Video Wolff, Patricia. Oleanna. MITC VC 958 IN
Book Wolff, Reuben H. Effects of surface-water diversion and ground-water withdrawal on streamflow and habitat, Punaluu Stream, Oahu, Hawaii. Pac.GB1225.H3O4 2006 IN
Book Wolff, Robert J. A study of knowledge, attitude and practice of contraception in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : 1970. Pac.HQ766.5.T7W6 1970 IN
Book Wolff, Robert (Robert J.) A study of knowledge, attitude, and practice relative to family planning among indigenous women in Guam, 1969,. Pac.HQ766.5.G83W6 1969 IN
Book Wolff, Robert S., 1966- The global experience : readings in world history. D23.G58 1998 IN
Book Wolff, Virginia Euwer. True believer : a novel. PZ7.W83t 2001 OUT
 2 Wolff, Wendy.
Book Wolff, Wendy, ed. Vice Presidents of the United States, 1789-1993. Gov. Y 1.1/3: 104-26 IN
 2 Wolfgang Bayer Productions
Video Wolfgang Bayer Productions, Inc. The best of nature : invaders of Truk Lagoon. MITC VC 350 IN
 2 Wolfgang, Charles H.
Book Wolfgang, Marvin E., 1924- joint comp. The criminal under restraint. HV6025.C86 1977 IN
 2 Wolfinger, Donna M.
Video Wolfinger, Kirk. Pearl harbor legacy of attack. MITC DVD 10 IN
Book Wolfman, Marv Superman returns: novelization. PB WOL 2006 IN
Book Wolfram, Dietmar. Rural libraries and internetworking : proceedings of the Internetworking Rural Libraries Institute, held in May 1994 at the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee. Z675.C8165 1994 IN
Book Wolfram, Stephen. A new kind of science. QA267.5.C45W67 2002 IN
Book Wolfrum, Rudiger. Charter of the United Nations : a commentary. Ref.JX1977.C368 1994. IN
Book Wolfson, Richard Energy, environment, and climate. QC981.8.C5W645 2008 IN
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