View previous page View next page Author Search:  Towne, Neil, 1928- joint author.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Tomas, Carmelo R. Identifying marine phytoplankton. QK934.I44 1997 IN
Book Tomaselli-Moschovitis, Valerie. Statistical handbook on poverty in the developing world. Ref.HC59.72.P6S73 1999 IN
 2 Tomasello, Michael.
Book Tomasi, Massimiliano, 1965- Rhetoric in modern Japan : Western influences on the development of narrative and oratorical style. PL635.T66 2004 IN
Video Tomasini, George Psycho. MITC DVD 74 IN
Book Tomb, Howard, 1959- Microaliens : dazzling journeys with an electron microscope. CRC QH273.2.T65 1993 IN
 2 Tome, Joanne
Book Tomecek, Stephen Electromagnetism, and how it works. CRC QC760.2.T66 2007 IN
Book Tomecek, Steve. Moon. CRC.QB52.T59 2005 IN
Book Tomes, Margot, ill. Ty's one-man band. CRC Pic.W17 1980 IN
Book Tomich, P. Quentin (Prosper Quentin), 1920- Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Pac.QL719.H3T6 1986 IN
 4 Tominaga, Shigeto
 2 Tomkins, Calvin, 1925-
Book Tomlinson, Andrew Strategies for preventing and mitigating land-based sources of pollution to trans-boundary water resources in the Pacific region. Pac.H4475.C74 2005 IN
 3 Tomlinson, Carol A.
Serial Tomlinson, Matt 2000 Fiji coup.
Book Tomlinson, R.A (Richard Alan) Greek architecture. NA270.T66 2001 IN
 2 Tomlinson, Sally.
Serial Tomoaki, Matsuo Comparison of tuber protein of yam introduced from Pohnpei island and Yap proper, the Federated States of Micronesia.
Book Tompkins, Emma L. [et al.] Surviving climate change in small islands - a guidebook. Pac.QC981.8.C5S9 IN
 4 Tompkins, Gail E.
Book Tompkins, James R. Fundamentals of special education : what every teacher needs to know. LC3981.W37 2007 IN
Book Tomsky, Jacob. Heads in beds : a reckless memoir of hotels, hustles, and so-called hospitality. TX911.3.F75T66 2012 IN
Book Tomuschat, Christian. Charter of the United Nations : a commentary. Ref.JX1977.C368 1994. IN
Book Tonaki, Keith I. Banana puree processing. Pac.S399.E85 no.202 IN
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