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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book SPREP Meeting of Officials and Environment Ministers' Meeting (17th: 2006: Noumea, New Caledonia). Report on the 17th SPREP meeting of officials and report of the environment ministers' meeting: 11-15 September 2006, Noumea, New Caledonia. Pac.HC681.3.E5S66a 2006 IN
Serial SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (4th : 1998 : Apia, Samoa) Fourth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD), Apia, Samoa, 8-10 July, 1997. Pac.QC999.S67 1998 IN
Book SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (7th: Apia, Samoa) Seventh SPREP meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD) Apia, Samoa, 16-18 August, 2000. Pac.QC875.O28S68 2000 IN
Book SPREP Meeting of Regional Service Directors (4th : 1998 : Apia, Samoa) Fourth SPREP Meeting of Regional Meteorological Service Directors (RMSD) : 8-10 July, 1997, Apia, Samoa. Pac.QC993 .A1S23 1997 IN
Book SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (2nd : 1992 : Noumea, New Caledonia) Second SPREP Meeting on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region : Noumea, New Caledonia, 6-10 April 1992 : proceedings. Pac.QC981.8.C5S67 1992 c.3 IN
 2 SPREP Meeting [on] Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in the South Pacific Region (3rd : 1997 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Book SPREP Regional Environmental Media Training Workshop (1990 : Apia, Samoa) SPREP Regional Environmental Media Training Workshop (Apia, Western Samoa, 2-13 July 1990) : report. Pac.TD170.8.O3S77 1990 IN
Book SPREP South Pacific Regional Training Course in Environmental Impact Assessment (1989 : Suva, Fiji). Report on the SPREP South Pacific Regional Training Course in Environmental Impact Assessment (Suva, Fiji, 19-30 June 1989). Pac.TD194.68.O3S17 1989 IN
Book SPREP Steering Committee Meeting (1st: 1989: Noumea). First Meeting of the SPREP Steering Committee (Noumea, New Caledonia, 29-31 March 1989) : report. Pac.HC681.Z9E57 1989 IN
Book SPREP Steering Committee. Meeting (2nd : 1989 : Port-Vila, Vanuatu) Second Meeting of the SPREP Steering Committee (Port Vila, Vanuatu, 13-14 September 1989) : report. Pac.HC681.Z9S8 1989 IN
Book SPREP Steering Committee. Meeting (3rd : 1990 : Noumea, New Caledonia) Third Meeting of the SPREP Steering Committee (Noumea, New Caledonia, 30-31 March 1990) : report. Pac.HC681.Z9S8 1990 IN
Serial SPREP Training Course on Coral Reef Survey and Monitoring Techniques (1995: Saipan, CNMI) SPREP training course on coral reef survey and monitoring techniques: held on 6-17 November 1995 in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.QH541.5.C7S673 1995 IN
Book SPREP Working Group on Climate. The Second Meeting of the SPREP Working Group on Climate, 10-12 June 1996, Nadi, Fiji : meeting report. Pac.HC681.1.A1S68 1998 IN
Book SPREP Working Group on Climate (2nd: 1996: Nadi, Fiji). The Second Meeting of the SPREP Working Group on Climate, 10-12 June 1996, Nadi, Fiji : meeting report. Pac.HC681.1.A1S68 1998 IN
Book SPREP's Climate Change and Integrated Coastal Management Programme. GHG inventories in PICCAP countries : evaluation and regional synthesis of national greenhouse gas inventories : general assessment and regional synthesis. Pac.TD885.5.G73H39 2000 IN
Book SPREP's Waste Management, Pollution Prevention and Emergencies Programme. Guidelines for municipal solid waste management planning in small island developing states in the Pacific region. Pac.TD897.8.O3G85 1999 IN
 3 Sprick, Randall S.
Book Spriggs, Mathew. The Island Melanesians. Pac.GN668.S67 1997 IN
Book Spriggs, Matthew. The past, present and future of traditional taro irrigation in the Pacific : an example of traditional ecological knowledge. Pac.SB211.T2S78 1989 IN
Mixed Spring, C. Sylvia Subsistence hunting of marine turtles in Papua New Guinea. VerF.1309 Pac. IN
Book Spring, Gardiner, 1785-1873. The attraction of the Cross. BT450.G16 1982 IN
Book Spring, Joel H. Wheels in the head : educational philosophies of authority, freedom, and culture from Socrates to human rights. LB14.7.S8 1999 IN
Book Spring, Sylvia C. Turtles, men and magic. Pac.SH399.T9S75 1980 IN
Book Springer, Nancy. I am Morgan le Fay : a tale from Camelot. PB SPR 2002 OUT
 5 Springer, Victor Gruschka, 1928-
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