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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Akimichi, Atimoya Satawalese fish names.
 2 Akimichi, Tomoya.
Book Akin, David. Suicide and women in East Kwaio, Malaita. Pac.HV6548.5.S6A67 IN
Book Akin, David, 1955- Money and modernity : state and local currencies in Melanesia. Pac.HG1480.9.M66 1999 IN
Serial [Akinaga, Takuro General Manager Federated States of Micronesia telephone directory. Pac.HE9671.Z8F42 IN
Video Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Adewale Pompeii. MITC DVD 727 IN
Video Akins, Claude, 1918. Inherit the wind. MITC VC 854 IN
 2 Akio Hatta
Mixed Akira, Matsumura. Castration. VerF 0505 Pac IN
Book Akishige, Yushiro Preliminary report on banks around Yap, the Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.SH1.N3 1988 IN
 4 Ako, Harry
Book Akos, Istvan Climate in danger : facts and implications of the greenhouse effect. Pac.QC981.8.C5C55 1997 IN
Book Akram-Lodhi, A. Haroon (Agha Haroon), 1958- Confronting Fiji futures. Pac.HN936.A8C66 2000 IN
Book Akron Art Museum. A new romanticism : sixteen artists from Italy. N6918.F69 1985 IN
Book Aksenov, Igor V., 1970- Diving science. RC1005.S77 2004 IN
Book Al Dir'iyyah Institute. Wood conserving cook stoves : a design guide. TX7657.S8 1980 OUT
Book Al-Hassan, A. Y. Science and technology in Islam. BP190.5.S3S2 2001 IN
Book Al-Khalili, Jim, 1962- The house of wisdom : how Arabic science saved ancient knowledge and gave us the Renaissance. Q127.A5A4 2011 IN
Book Alabaster, Carol. Developing an outstanding core collection : a guide for libraries. Z687.2.U6A43 2002 IN
Book Alailima, Fay, 1921- New politics in the South Pacific. Pac.DU28.3.N49 1994 IN
Book Alain-Fournier, 1886-1914. Le grand Meaulnes. PQ2611.O85G76 1961 IN
Book Alalamua, Hiasinita, co-author. Coconut intercropping and coconut by-products : a bibliography of published literature 1966-1978. Pac.DU1.S5783 1978 no. 44 IN
Book Alam, S. N. Implementation and promotion of an IPM strategy for control of eggplant fruit and shoot borer in South Asia. Pac.SB608.E2I47 2006 IN
Book Alam, Sultana. Familiarization and review of the status of women. Pac.HQ1865.5.M5A425 1994 IN
Book Alam, Sultana, Women, Population and Development Adviser. Familiarization and review of the status of women. Pac.HQ1865.5.M5A425 1994 IN
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