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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Burnett, Kimberly Estimating cost-effectiveness of Hawaiian dry forest restoration using spatial changes in water yield and landscape flammability under climate change.
Video Burnett, Murray Casablanca. MITC VC 136 IN
Book Burnett, William C. Fertilizer mineral potential in Asia and the Pacific : proceedings of the Fertilizer Raw Materials Resources Workshop, August 20-24, 1979, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pac.TN194.F47 1979 IN
Book Burnette, Arianne E. A history of invention : from stone axes to silicon chips. Ref.T15.W718 2000 IN
Book Burney, James, 1750-1821. A chronological history of voyages and discoveries in the South Seas. Pac.DU19.B962 IN
Book Burnham, Sophy. The ecstatic journey : the transforming power of mystical experience. BL625.B86 1997 IN
Book Burnie, David. The Kingfisher illustrated animal encyclopedia. Ref.QL49.B7954 2000 IN
Book Burningham, John Mr. Gumpy's Outing. CRC.Pic.B97 1991 IN
Book Burningham, John ill. Mr. Gumpy's Outing. CRC.Pic.B97 1991 IN
Book Burningham, Robin Y. Hala. Pac.QK495.P18H11 1990 IN
Book Burningham, Robin Yoko. Hawaiian canoe-building traditions. Pac.DU624.65.C47 1988 IN
Serial Burniske, Jackie. No Child Left Behind and the Pacific Region.
Book Burns, A. August (Arlene August), 1952- Where women have no doctor : a health guide for women. BTL RA564.85.W46 1997 box 140 IN
Book Burns, Alan Sir 1887-1980 Fiji. Pac.DU600.B87 1963 IN
Book Burns, Allan F. (Allan Frank), 1945- Kosrae ethnography project, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.GN671.C3B87 1997 IN
Book Burns, Allan F., Principal investigator. Kosrae ethnography : Kosrae ethnography project, Federated States of Micronesia / by Allan F. Burns [edited by] Margaret Pepin-Donat and David W. Look. Pac.DU568.K8B87 1997 IN
Book Burns, Allan F. Principal Investigator Department of Anthropology, University of Florida Gainesville, Florida. Kosrae ethnography : Kosrae ethnography project, Federated States of Micronesia / by Allan F. Burns [edited by] Margaret Pepin-Donat and David W. Look. Pac.DU568.K8B87 1997 IN
Book Burns, Allan F. Principal investigator Gainesville, Florida, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida Kosrae ethnography project, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.GN671.C3B87 1997 IN
 10 Burns, Bob.
Book Burns, Catherine E. Pediatric primary care. RJ245.P43 2009 IN
Book Burns, E. Bradford. Latin America : a concise interpretive history. F1410.B8 2002 IN
Book Burns, Edward, 1943- A handbook for supplementary aids and services : a best practice and IDEA guide "to enable children with disabilities to be educated with nondisabled children to the maximum extent appropriate". Ref.LC4019.B85 2003 IN
Book Burns, Edward, 1946- The corner : a year in the life of an inner-city neighborhood. HV5833.B2S55 1998 IN
Book Burns, Jacqueline. The learning disability myth : understanding and oversoming your child's diagnosis of Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Tourette's syndrome of childhood, ADD, ADHD and OCD. RJ496.L4P28 2006 IN
Book Burns, James M. Okinawa : the last battle : photographs. Pac.D769.A533 1948 IN
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