View previous page View next page Author Search:  Federated States of Micronesia, Department of Health, Education, Social Affairs (HESA).
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Evans, Glen. The encyclopedia of suicide. Ref.RA773.E87 2003 IN
Book Evans, Grant, 1948- Asia’s cultural mosaic : an anthropological introduction. GN625.A85 1993 IN
Book Evans, Harold The American century. E741.E93 1998 IN
Book Evans, John Hyde, 1965- Playing God? : human genetic engineering and the rationalization of public bioethical debate. QH438.7.E935 2002 IN
Book Evans, John R. Water supply. Pac.TD345.C69 IN
Book Evans, Judith L. Early childhood counts : a programming guide on early childhood care for development. HQ767.9.E96 2000 IN
Book Evans, Julian, 1946- Planted forests : uses, impacts, and sustainability. FAO.SD409.P685 2009 IN
Book Evans, Kimberly Masters. The environment : revolution in attitudes. TD174.E94 2010 IN
Serial Evans, Michael A Collection of plants from Fais, Caroline Islands.
Book Evans, Michael J. Political development in Micronesia : a view from the island of Pohnpei. Pac.DU568.P7E1 1988 IN
Book Evans, Miriama. The art of Maori weaving : the eternal thread. Pac.DU423.T4E1 2005 IN
Book Evans, Nate, ill. Monster Town fair. CRC Pic.S786 1998 IN
Book Evans, Nicholas, 1950- The loop. PS3555.V253L66 1998 IN
Book Evans, Nicolas 1956- Dying words : endangered languages and what they have to tell us. P40.5.E53E93 2009 IN
Book Evans, Paul M The Asia-Pacific security lexicon. Pac.UA830.C36 2002 IN
Book Evans-Pritchard, E. E. The Nuer : a description of the modes of livelihood and political institutions of a Nilotic people. DT132.E9 1968 IN
Book Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (Edward Evan), 1902-1973, ed. Peoples of the earth. Pac.GN315.P417 IN
Book Evans, Richard, 1928- Deng Xiaoping and the making of modern China. DS778.T39 E95 1994 IN
 2 Evans, Richard Paul.
Book Evans, Robert Truk lagoon : a cultural geography. Pac.GF852.C58E93 2014 IN
Video Evans, Ronald M. The science of fat. MITC DVD 281 A IN
Book Evans, Roy. Teenage pregnancy and parenthood : global perspectives, issues and interventions. HQ759.64.T44 2006 OUT
Book Evans, Russell Practical DV filmmaking : a step-by-step guide for beginners. TR896.E85 2002 IN
Book Evans-Smith, Pamela. Lippincott’s photo atlas of medication administration. Ref.RM147.E936 2008 IN
Video Evans, Stanley. Gandhi. MITC DVD 304 IN
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