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  Author Title Call Number Status
Serial Dinilius, Harvey Jungle warrior: profile of a Guerrilla.
 3 Dinnen, Sinclair.
Book Dinnen, Sinclair ed. A kind of mending: restorative justice in the Pacific Islands. Pac.KVC499.K56 2003 IN
Book Dino, Esposito. Instant DHTML scriplets. QA76.76.I57H669 1998 IN
Book Dintiman, George B. Physical fitness and wellness : changing the way you look, feel, and perform. RA781.G799 2004 IN
Mixed Dinwiddie, Leslie Stage 4 chronic kidney disease. VF 309 DIN 2006 IN
Book Dinwiddie, Robert, 1953- contributor. Space!. CRC Ref.QB500.262.S618 2015 IN
Book Diocese of Chalan Kanoa. Umanidat : a journal of the humanities. Pac.AS785.N67U43 1996 IN
Book Diolé, Philippe Life and death in a coral sea. Pac. QH 541.5 .C7 C613 IN
Book Dione, Bernard. Managing technologies and automated library systems in developing countries: open source vs commercial options = Le management des technologies et des systemes automatises de bibliotheques dans les pays en developpement : logiciels libre vs options commerciales. Z678.9.A1M36 2008 IN
Book DiOrio, Ralph A., 1930- The man beneath the gift : the story of my life. BX4705.D545.A35 1981 IN
 3 Diplock, J.H.
Book Diplock, John H. Tuna fisheries in the Federated States of Micronesia : 1979 to 1990. Pac. SH 319 .T8 D56 IN
Video Directed by Steven Spielberg; Screenplay by Steven Zaillian; Produced by Steven Spielberg, Gerald R. Molen, Branko Lustig; Executive producer Kathleen Kennedy. Schindler's list. MITC DVD 121 A IN
Book Direction territoriale des affaires sanitaires et sociales. Developpement des enfants sur l'ile de Mare' (Nouvelle-Caledonie) : enquete surla croissance, les habitudes alimentaires et les aptitudes scolaires des enfants du cours preparatoire en 1986. Pac.RJ131.B37 1991 IN
Book Directorate for Education and Human Resources. Shaping the future : new expectations for undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology : a report on its review of undergraduate education by the Advisory Committee to the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Education and Human Resources. Gov.NS1.2:F98/2 IN
 2 Dirgo, Craig.
Book Dirlik, Arif. What is in a rim? : critical perspectives on the Pacific Region idea. Pac.HC681.W48 1993 IN
Book Dirmann, Tina Such good boys : the true story of mother, two sons, and a horrifying murder. HV6533.C2D62 2005 OUT
Book Dirramechei, Mechelings. Bekairechokerdull. Pac.PL5434.Z11N11 c.2 IN
Book Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. Explanation of the content of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. KF480.G56 1994 IN
 3 Disarmament and Conflict Resolution Project.
Book Disaster Control Office Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Central Government Plan for Coordination and Operations in Disaster Emergencies : Part I. (MASTER COPY). ARC. TTPI 04 IN
Book Disaster Control Officer. Office of the Governor Weno, Chuuk, Micronesia (Federated States) Typhoon Owen (November 26-28, 1990) : report on indivudual and family grant (IFG) program for Chuuk State Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.HV635.5.F42G75 IN
 3 Disaster Preparedness Strategies Seminar (1983 : Suva, Fiji)
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