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Video Jones, James Earl Comet halley. MITC VC 87 IN
Book Jones, Jeremiah, 1693-1724. The lost books of the Bible : being all the Gospels, Epistles, and other pieces now extant attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, His Apostles and their companions not included, by its compilers, in the authorized New Testament; and Syriac Mss. of Pilate's letters to Tiberius, etc. Ref.BS2832.A2 1979 IN
Book Jones, John, 1924- Dostoevsky. PG3328.Z6J71 1985 IN
Book Jones, John R. Madagascar. CRC GT4890.Mad 1999 IN
Book Jones, Josie The happy easter book. CRC Pic.J65 1985 OUT
Book Jones, Lawrence K., ed. The encyclopedia of career change and work issues. Ref.HF5381.E516 1992 IN
Book Jones, Leo, 1943- Communicative grammar practice : activities for intermediate students of English : student's book. PE1112.J58 1992 IN
Book Jones, Lewis. The dream : and other stories. CRC.PZ6.D77 1999 IN
Book Jones, Lily. Baby Kermit's playtime ABC. CRC Pic.J753 1992 IN
Book Jones, Linda (Linda M.) Agricultural value chain finance : tools and lessons. FAO.HD1417.M647a 2010 IN
Book Jones, Lloyd, 1955- Last Saturday. Pac.GV149.J6 1994 IN
Book Jones, Lori J., 1961- Population : opposing viewpoints. HB883.P67 1995 IN
 2 Jones, Louise S., 1949-
Book Jones, Marcus O. New interpretations in naval history : selected papers from the sixteenth Naval History Symposium held at the United States Naval Academy, 10-11 September 2009. Gov.D208.210:20/2012 IN
Video Jones, Maureen Falling in love. MITC DVD 24 A IN
Book Jones, Nancy K. Flags of convenience in the Pacific : prospects for proliferation, impact, and regulation. Pac.JX4449.N3J66 1975 IN
Book Jones, Nigel R. Architecture of England, Scotland, and Wales. NA961.J57 2005 IN
Book Jones, Noah (Noah Z.), ill. Those shoes. CRC PZ7.B635744 2007 IN
Book Jones, Patricia Serum protein in people of the Yap Islands.
Book Jones, Pei Te Hurinui, 1898- The songs : scattered pieces from many canoe areas. Pac.PL6465.Z77 1970 IN
 2 Jones, Peter.
Book Jones, Peter 1942- Ancient & modern. D20.J69 1999 IN
Book Jones, R. S. Acanthaster planci, crown-of-thorns starfish : Resurvey Truk Lagoon, Truk District, September, 1970 pt.1. Pac.QL384.A8J6 IN
Book Jones, Rees, 1983- author. Princess : a private novel. PS3566.A822P74 2018 IN
Book Jones, Rhys. Sunda ans Sahul : prehistoric studies in South-East Asia, Melanesia and Australia. Pac.GN855.S68S93 IN
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