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 2 Sohmer, S. H.
 3 Sohn, Ho-Min
Serial Sohn, I. G. (Israel Gregory) 1911- Ostracoda from the Late Permian of Greece (Thaumatocyprididae and Polycopidae). Gov. SI 1.30:87 IN
Serial Sohn, I.G. (Israel Gregory), 1911-2000 Myodocopid Ostracoda from the late Permian of Greece and a basic classification for Paleozoic and Mesozoic Myodocopida. Gov. SI 1.30:91 IN
Book Söhö, Takuan. The unfettered mind : writings of the Zen Master to the Sword Master. BL1442.S63U53 1987 IN
Serial Sohrab, S. Connecting the discinnected : What FSM is doing.
Serial Sohs, Susana President. Pohnpei women take action to spread health awareness.
Book Soichi, Oya, 1900- Japan's longest day. Pac.DS821.J3O913 1968 IN
 6 Soil and Crop Evaluation Project.
Book Soil Science Society of America. Soil and water resources : research priorities for the nation. S591.55.U6S3 1981 IN
Serial Soka Gakkai University. [A message from the President, and other articles, etc.]. Pac.BQ9449.I387S1 2001 IN
Book Sokehs Island (Micronesia) Five year development plan : project information sheets. Pac.HC687.P7S64 IN
 7 Sokimi, William.
Book Sokimi, William Fisheries Development Officer. Marine species identification manual for horizontal longline fishermen = Manual d'identification des espèces marines destine aux pêcheurs à lapalangre horizontale. Pac.QL636.5.C32 2006 IN
Book Sokolsky, Richard. The United States and the Persian Gulf : reshaping security strategy for the post-containment era. DS63.2.U5U3 2003 IN
Book Sokomanu, Ati George Secretary -General. Special theme of the 33rd South Pacific Conference : The state of Pacific children. Pac.HQ792.P16S1 1993 IN
Book Solang, Mitsuo A Micronesian book of poems. Pac.PN6101.T78 1962 c.2 IN
Book Solar Energy Research Institute. Technical Information Branch. Wind energy : technical information guide. Gov.E1.8:W72 OUT
Book Solar Planning Office--West. Solar energy, Hawaii and the U.S. Islands of the Pacific : Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pac.TJ810.H36 IN
Book Solar Technical Information Program (U.S) Wind energy : technical information guide. Gov.E1.8:W72 OUT
Video Solarz, Stephen J. U.S. congressional action on the compact. MITC DVD 1372 IN
Book Solbrig, Dorothy J., 1945- So shall you reap : farming and crops in human affairs. GF75.S68 1994 IN
Book Solbrig, Otto Thomas. So shall you reap : farming and crops in human affairs. GF75.S68 1994 IN
Book Soldevilla, J. Regional Tuberculosis Control Team : assignment report, 5-21 December 1983. Pac.RC154.9.F3S6 1984 IN
 2 Solenberger, R. R. (Robert R.)
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