View previous page View next page Author Search:  Ng, Peter K.L.
  Author Title Call Number Status
 3 Neufeld, Evelyn M.
Serial Neufeld, Inge Nora. Anti-dumping and countervailing procedures : use or abuse? : implications for developing countries. Doc.UNCTAD/ITCD/TAB/10 IN
 2 Neufeld, Jacob.
 2 Neuman, Susan B.
Book Neuman, Tom S. Bennett and Elliott's physiology and medicine of diving. RC1005.P495 2003 IN
Book Neumann, Brian F. Occupation and demobilazation 1918-1923. Gov. D114.7/6:OC 1 IN
Book Neumann, Brian F.(Brian Fisher), 1975-author. Opearation Enduring Freedom. Gov. D114.2:AF 3/3/ IN
 2 Neumann, Klaus, 1958-
Book Neumeyer, Helen Snell Folk tales 2. CRC PZ7.N48 1973 IN
Book Neuschwander, Cindy. Amanda Bean's amazing dream : a mathematical story. CRC PZ7.N445 1998 IN
 2 Neustadt, Richard E.
Book Neuweiler, Gerhard, 1935- The biology of bats. QL737.C5N4813 2000 IN
Book Nevermann, Hans. Ralik-Ratak (Marshall-Inseln).
 2 Nevermann, Hans, 1902-
Book Nevid, Jeffrey S. Psychology. BF121.N42 2003 IN
Book Neville, Emily Cheney. It's like this, Cat,. CRC Juv.N41 1963 IN
Book Neville-Sington, Pamela. Fanny Trollope : the life and adventure of a clever woman. PR5699.T3Z77 1998 IN
 2 Nevin, David, 1927-
Book New Brunswick Group. Preparing our teachers : opportunities for better reading instruction. LB2844.1.R4P74 2002 IN
Book New Caledonia. Service de l'e´levage et des industries animales. Revue d'e´levage et de me´decine ve´te´rinaire de Nouvelle Cale´donie. Pac.SF1.R485 1987 no.9 IN
Book New Caledonia. Service ve´te´rinaire et du contro^le de la qualite´ des produits agro-alimentaires. Revue d'e´levage et de me´decine ve´te´rinaire de Nouvelle Cale´donie. Pac.SF1.R485 1987 no.9 IN
 2 New, Cheryl Carter.
Book New England Microfilming Project. American whalers and traders in the Pacific : a guide to records on microfilm. Pac.Z4008.W5L35 IN
 2 New Explorer
Video New Explorers Mystery of the lines. MITC VC 788 IN
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