View previous page View next page Author Search:  Kaplan, Jeffrey S., 1951-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Klein, Nancy Spence. Wee sing : nursery rhymes & lullabies. CRC M1997.W344 1985 IN
Book Klein, Peter L., joint comp. Seventeenth-century rationalism: Bacon & Descartes,. B1875.C27 1969 IN
Book Klein, Robin, 1936- Hating Alison Ashley. CRC Juv.K44 1985 IN
Book Klein, Shirley. The melting pot : international recipes from Pohnpei. TX725.M5.M447 1990 IN
Book Klein, Stephen P., 1938- A license to teach : raising standards for teaching. LB1772.M6D373 1999 IN
Book Klein, Susan, B. 1948. A book for midwives : care for pregnancy, birth, and women's health. RG960.K56 2004 IN
Book Kleinert, Sylvia. The Oxford companion to aboriginal art and culture. Ref.NX590.A1O94 2000 IN
Book Kleinjans, Edith K. Language functions. Pac.LB1631.K465 1983 IN
 2 Kleinman, Isobel, 1946-
Book Kleinman, Ken. Spatial and syndromatic surveillance for public health. RA652.2.P82S67 2005 IN
Book Kleinman, Paul, author. Philosophy 101 : from Plato and Socrates to ethics and metaphysics, an essential primer on the history of thought. BD21.K58 2013 IN
Mixed Kleinman, Susan. The woman who could steal your husband. VF 271 KLE 2001 IN
Book Kleinsmith, Lewis J. The world of the cell. QH581.2.B43 2000 IN
Book Klemanski, John S. The urban politics dictionary. Ref.JS48.S65 1990 IN
Book Klemens, Guy, 1973- The cellphone : the history and technology of the gadget that changed the world. TK5103.485 .K58 2010 IN
 3 Klemm, E. Barbara.
 4 Klemm, Rick
Book Klemm, Rolf D W Report of the XIX International Vitamin A Consultative Group Meeting [on] Vitamin A and other micronutrients : biologic interactions and integrated interventions, Durban, South Africa, 8-11 March 1999. QU167.I61 1999 IN
Book Klepinger, Linda L. Fundamentals of forensic anthropology. GN69.8.K67 2006 IN
Book Klevansky, Rhonda 1000 fascinating animal facts : featuring whales, elephants, bears, wolves, monkeys, turtles, snakes, birds, bees, ants and many, many more. CRC Ref.QL50.O2 2008 IN
Book Kleven, Dean. ill Blueberries on parade. CRC PZ10.3.H86 1998 IN
Book Kleven, Elisa, ill. De colores and other Latin-American folk songs for children. CRC M1997.D32 1994 IN
Book Klezmer, Deborah. Dictionary of women worldwide : 25,000 women through the ages. Ref.CT3202.D53 2007 IN
Book Kliban, B. Luminous animals and other drawings. CRC.Pic.K45 1983 IN
Book Kliebhan, Joanne Marie. Teaching reading to slow and disabled learners. LC4620.K63 1978 IN
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