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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Levy, David H., 1948- Observing comets, asteroids, meteors, and the zodiacal light. QB721.E35 1994 IN
Book Levy, Dena B. Hillary Clinton : a biography. E887.C55L49 2008 IN
Book Levy, Elizabeth Frankenstein moved in on the fourth floor / Elizabeth Levy, illustrated by Mordicai Gerstein. CRC Juv.L48 1979 OUT
Book Levy, Elizabeth, 1942- My life as a fifth-grade comedian. CRC Juv.L57m 1997 IN
Book Levy, Joseph, 1934- Networking fundamentals. Ref.TK5105.5.L485 1995 IN
 2 Levy, Josh
Book Levy, Leon, 1929- The mind of Wall Street. HG4910.L463 2002 IN
Book Levy, Leonard Williams, 1923- The establishment clause : religion and the First Amendment. KF4783.L48 1986 IN
Book Levy, Michael. Computer-assisted language learning : context and conceptualization. P53.28.L48 1997 IN
Book Levy, Neil. Micronesia handbook. Pac.DU500.L48 2000 IN
Book Levy, Neil M. Micronesia handbook. Pac.DU500.L48 1997 IN
Book Levy, Robert I. Personality studies in Polynesia and Micronesia : stability and change. Pac.H35.H37 IN
Book Levy, Robert I. (Robert Isaac), 1924- Tahitians : mind and experience in the Society Islands. Pac.GN671.S55L48 IN
Book Levy, Steven. Artificial life : a report from the frontier where computers meet biology. QA76.87.L48 1993 IN
Serial Levy-Strauss, Mona President, WUTMI Women power.
Book Levy, Sue. Marshall Islands women's health survey, 1985. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.196 IN
Book Levy, Thomas E. Stop America's #1 killer! : reversible vitamin deficiency found to be origin of all coronary heart disease. RC685.C6L48 2006 IN
 2 Lew, Ruth.
Book Lewai, Vasemaca Women and men of Fiji Islands : gender statistics and trends. Pac.HQ1867.7.C435 2005 IN
 3 Lewchuk, Les.
Book Lewcock, Thomas Report of the Nationwide : Performance based budgeting and accountability workshop, Cliff Rainbow hotel, January 8-10, 2003. Pac.HJ2031.5.R29M58 2003 IN
Book Lewer, R.J.A.W. Insect pests in Fiji. Pac.S400.F5F51 no.23 IN
Book Lewin, André. France and the United Nations, 1945-1995. JX1977.2.F8F813 1995 IN
Book Lewin, Ellen. Gay fatherhood : narratives of family and citizenship in America. HQ76.13.L49 2009 IN
 2 Lewin Group.
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