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0 Items in Bookbag
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Swisher, Clarice, 1933- Relativity : opposing viewpoints. QC173.575.S93 1990 OUT
 3 Swisher, Karin, 1966-
 4 Swisher, Karin L., ed.
 3 SwissWorld
Book Switzky, Harvey N. What is mental retardation? : ideas for an evolving disability in the 21st century. RC570.W55 2006 IN
Video Swofford, Scott Polynesian odyssey. MITC VC 504 IN
Book Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games. Official report of the XXVII Olympiad. Ref.GV722.S93 2001 IN
Book Syers, John K. (John Keith) Efficiency of soil and fertilizer phosphorus use : reconciling changing concepts of soil phosphorus behaviour with agronomic information. FAO.S592.6.P5S94 2008 IN
Book Sykes, Camilla. The art of painting on porcelain. NK4605.M68 1974 IN
Book Sykes, Charles J. ProfScam: professors and the demise of higher education. LA227.3.S94 1988 IN
Book Sykes, Godfrey, 1861-1948. A Westerly trend : being a Veracious chronicle of more than sixty years of joyous wonderings, mainly in search of space and sunshine. CT275.S9877A3 1984 IN
Book Sykes, J. B. (John Bradbury) The Oxford-Duden German dictionary : German-English, English-German. Ref.PF640.O94 2001 IN
Book Sykes, Julie This and that. CRC Pic. S9 1996 IN
Video Sykes, Peter Jesus. MITC ENT 73 B OUT
Book Sylvester, Gerard. E-agriculture in action: drones for agriculture. FAO S494.5.I5E23 2018 IN
Serial Sylvester, Jane Y. Hydrogen peroxide treatment for amyloodinium sp. on muller (mugil cephalus) fry.
Book Syme, Ronald, 1910- Captain Cook : Pacific explorer. Pac.G246.C7S9 IN
Serial Symeonidou, Haris. Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : country report, Greece. Doc.ECE/EAD/PAU/02/1 IN
Book Symes, D. G. (David Gilyard) Fisheries management in crisis. SH328.F563 1996 IN
Book Symonds, Richard, 1918- The British and their successors. JV1076.S6 1966 IN
Book Symons, Donald, 1942- The evolution of human sexuality. BF692.S9 1981 IN
Book Symons, Frank James, 1967- Behavioral observation : technology and applications in developmental disabilities. RC570.2.B44 2000 IN
Book Symposium on Aquaculture Development -- Partnership between Science and Producer Associations (2004 : Wierzba, Poland). Report and proceedings of the Symposium on Aquaculture Development -- Partnership between Science and Producer Associations, Wierzba, Poland, 26-29 May 2004, held in connection with the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission twenty-third session, Wierzba, Poland, 26 May-2 June 2004. FAO.SH331.E99 2006 no. 37 IN
Book Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management (7th : 1991 : Long Beach, Calif.) The Hawaii ocean resources manangement program : policy planning and inter-agency coordination. Pac.HT391.S935M11 1991 IN
Book Symposium on Humanitarian Action and Peace-Keeping Operations (1994 : Geneva, Switzerland) Symposium on Humanitarian Action and Peace-Keeping Operations, Geneva, 22-24 June 1994 : report.
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