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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Kubo, Tite. Bleach. CRC Juv.K94 2001 IN
Book Kubota, Shinichi Director, Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund. Report of Pacific Islands Digital Opportunity (PIDO): Research Committee. Pac.HE7549.P3R46 IN
Book Kubota, Stephen T. Preparing for a changing climate : the potential consequences of climate variability and change : Pacific Islands. Pac.QC993.M5P74 2001 IN
Book Kucan, Linda. Bringing words to life : robust vocabulary instruction. LB1574.5.B43 2013 IN
 2 Kucer, Stephen B., 1950-
Book Kucharsky, David. The man from Plains : the mind and spirit of Jimmy Carter. E873.K82 1977 IN
Book Küchler, Susanne. Pacific pattern. Pac.NK1489.9.K94 2005 c.1 IN
Book Kuder, Susan R., 1943- Attitudes through idioms. CRC PE1128.A299 1994 IN
Book Kudla, Pamela J. Hooked on library skills! : a sequential activities program for grades k-6. CRC Z675.S3L395 1988 IN
Book Kudlinski, Kathleen V. Rachel Carson : pioneer of ecology. CRC QH31.C33K83 1989 IN
Book Kudrle, Robert, ed. The industrial future of the Pacific basin. Pac.HC681.I556 1984 IN
Book Kuehling, Susanne. Dobu : ethics of exchange on a Massim island, Papua New Guinea. Pac.DU580.K84 2005 IN
Book Kuehn, Felix, 1979- My life with the Taliban. DS371.33.Z34A3 2010 IN
Book Kuersten, Ashlyn K. Women and the law : leaders, cases, and documents. KF478.K84 2003 IN
Book Kugach, Gene. Fishing basics. SH441.K84 1993 IN
Book Kugel, Kenneth. The governing of Micronesia : a report on the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, based on a field survey conducted during February and March 1952. Pac.DU500.K82 1952 IN
Book Kugfas, Andrew. Yap State multi-year historic preservation plan phase: I : assessment and fact-finding / Christophe Descantes, Bernadette Mityay [and] Andrew Kugfas. Pac.DU568.Y3D373 1993 IN
Book Kugfas, Andrew, joint author. Plants, people and ecology in Yap=Gidii nge gakiiy nu Wa'ab. Pac.QK473.Y3M37 1996 IN
Book Kuh, George D., editor of compilation. Using evidence of student learning to improve higher education. LA227.4.U85 2015 IN
Book Kuhaulua, Rie L. Pacific diabetes today: lessons learned. Pac.RA645.D5P11 2003 IN
Book Kuhn, Cynthia. Buzzed : the straight facts about the most used and abused drugs from alcohol to ecstacy. RM316.K48 1998 IN
Book Kuhn, Deanna. Education for thinking. LB1590.3.K94 2005 IN
Book Kuhn, Delia. The Philippines yesterday and today. Pac.DS655.K8 1966 IN
 24 Kuhn, Dwight, ill.
Book Kuhn, Ferdinand, 1905- The Philippines yesterday and today. Pac.DS655.K8 1966 IN
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