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  Author Title Call Number Status
University of Oregon. Micronesia Technical Assistant Program See: University of Oregon. Micronesia and South Pacific Program
Book University of Oregon Northwest Regional Resource Center. The Development of policies and guidelines for the delivery of appropriate education to the handicapped children of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : the result of an input session in Saipan, Mariana Islands. Pac.LC4818.D48 1976 IN
Book University of Oregon. Sustainable Development Group. Sea of change : island tourism. Pac.G155.A1.R667 1996 IN
Book University of Oregon. Technical Assistance Program. Architectural master plan for the Micronesian Occupational College. Pac.LG961.P34P61 1992 IN
Book University of Oregon. Technical Assistance Project. Tourism in Palau : processes for heritage enhancement, University of Oregon Technical Assistance Project 25 June-31 August 1990, final report. Pac.G155.P3K83 1990 IN
Book University of Osaka Prefecture. College of Agriculture. The Society for Foreign Agriculture Study. Report of the scientific survey on Ponape Island in Micronesia. Pac.QH198.M48R47 1981 IN
Book University of Ottawa. Self-determination : the case study of Hawaii. Pac.DU627.4.H36 1991 pt.1 IN
 2 University of Papua and New Guinea.
Serial University of Papua and New Guinea. Educational Materials Centre. Papua and New Guinea education gazette. Pac.Per.L791.P3A3 1971 IN
 2 University of Papua and New Guinea. Law Faculty.
 5 University of Papua New Guinea.
Book University of Papua New Guinea. Department of Anthropology and Sociology. Research in Melanesia. Pac.GN671.N5R47 1979 IN
Book University of Papua New Guinea. Dept. of Biology. Survey methods for the analysis of seagrass meadows with respect to their potential as dugong and turtle habitat : with a field key to the seagrasses of Papua New Guinea. Pac.QH301.P35 no.8 IN
Serial University of Papua New Guinea. Dept. of Education. Development, progress and planned activities of the Educational Materials Centre at the University of Papua and New Guinea. Pac.L791.P3U58 1969 IN
Serial University of Papua New Guinea. Educational Materials Centre. Development, progress and planned activities of the Educational Materials Centre at the University of Papua and New Guinea. Pac.L791.P3U58 1969 IN
 3 University of Papua New Guinea. Law Faculty.
 3 University of Papua New Guinea. Michael Somare Library.
University of Papua New Guinea. South Pacific Centre for Communication and Information in Development See: South Pacific Centre for Communication and Information in Development
Book University of Pennsylvania law review, The bluebook : a uniform system of citation. Ref.KF245.B58 2015 IN
Book University of Pittsburgh. English Language Institute. Writing a research paper. PE1478.M4 1984 IN
 3 University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Mixed University of Queensland Nutrition Program, Division of International Health, School of Population Health, Micronesian banana, taro, and other foods: newly recognized sources of provitamin A and other carotenoids. Pac.RA645.V56E53 2003 IN
Book University of Rhode Island. Coastal Resources Center. A national coral reef strategy for Thailand. Pac.QH193.T46N3 1991 IN
Book University of Ryukus. The second Pacific Islands Academic Summit : record of proceedings. Pac.LA2270.S43 2001 IN
Video University of South Carolina Assessing students. MITC VC 1163 IN
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