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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Iyechad, Lilli Perez, 1961- An historical perspective of helping practices associated with birth, marriage, and death among Chamorros in Guam / Lilli Perez Iyechad. Pac.DU647.I9 2001 IN
Book Iyengar, Malathi Michelle. Romina's rangoli. CRC PZ7.I9ro 2007 IN
Book Iyer, Raghaven Narasimhan. The moral and political writings of Mahatma Gandhi, volume 1 : civilization, politics, and religion. DS481.G3A2 1986 IN
Book Izett, Alexander E. Report to the Congress of Mirconesia on the establishementof ship facilities. Pac.VM273.I1 1976 IN
Mixed Izui, Hisanosuke, 1905-1983. The languages of Micronesia : their unity and diversity. Pac.PL6192.I95 1965 IN
Book Izuka, Scot K. Hydrogeologic interpretations from available ground-water data, Tutuila, American Samoa. Pac.GB701.W375G46 1999 IN
Serial Izumi, Gloria. Revisiting who is guarding the guardians? : a report on police practices and Civil Rights in America. Gov.CR 1.2:P 75/28 IN
Book Izumi, Ky¯oka, 1873-1939. In light of shadows : more Gothic tales by Izumi Ky¯oka. PL809.Z9A23 2005 IN
Book Izumi, Lance T., 1958- Teacher quality. LB1715.T426 2002 IN
 5 Izumi, Masanami.
Book Izutsu, Shinryu. Sacred treasures of Mount Kóya : the art of Japanese Shingon Buddhism. Pac.N7353.3.S32 2002 IN
Video Izzard, Eddie Eddie Izzard. MITC VC 1247 IN
Book J.E. Kirkley Measuring and assessing capacity in fisheries : 1. Basic concepts and management options. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book J.G. Ferguson Publishing Company. The top 100. Ref.HF5382.T59 2001 IN
Serial J. Radovanovich Calculating Assistant. Retail price indexes = Indices des prix de detail. Pac. HD235.P23S66a 1989 IN
 2 Jaarsma, S. R.
Serial Jabar, Phyllis, Editor. New Pacific magazine (formerly the American Pacific magazine). Pac.Per.DU1.A54 IN
Book Jabes, Jak. Governance in the Pacific : focus for action, 2005-2009. Pac.JQ5995.M47 2004 IN
 3 Jabre, Bushra.
Video Jacaboi, Derek Queen of heaven. MITC VC 1216 D IN
Book Jachia, Lorenza. Building trade partnerships in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Doc.HF2040.7.B85 2006 IN
 2 Jack E. Yakana.
Mixed Jack, Grilly Christian Endeavor President. United Church of Christ - Pohnpei : Mehn kaweid, 2023. VerF(2) 0136.2023 Pac. IN
Mixed Jack, Grilly Christian Endeavors President. Miscellaneous papers of the United Church of Christ - Pohnpei. VerF(2) 0136.2022 Pac. IN
Book Jack, Keith, 1955- Dictionary of video and television technology. Ref.TK6634.J33 2002 IN
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