View previous page View next page Author Search:  Hogan, Jamie,
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Horrocks, J.A. Flying fish : the art of fishing and processing. Pac.SH331.H67 1990 IN
 6 Horrocks, Savannah, 1985- ill.
Book Horsfall, Sara. Music sociology : examining the role of music in social life. ML3916.M8783 2013 IN
Book Horsfield, Bruce. Television and culture in the Pacific Islands : outline of a research programme. Pac.HE8620.7.A388 no.5 IN
Book Horsley, William. Nippon : new superpower : Japan since 1945. DS889.H584 1990 IN
Book Horstmann, Rolf-Peter, 1940- Beyond good and evil : prelude to a philosophy of the future. B3313.J43E5 2002 IN
Book Horton, Forest Woody. National information policies : a handbook on the formulation, approval, implementation and operation of national information policies. Z678.2.H67 1997 IN
 3 Horton, Ivor.
Book Horton, Sarah, 1962- Web style guide : basic design principles for creating web sites. TK5105.888.L96 1999 IN
 2 Horton, Sue.
Video Horton, Thomas Te Maori : Maori culture - New Zealand. MITC VC 124 IN
Book Horton, William K. (William Kendall) Designing Web-based training : how to teach anyone anything anywhere anytime. HF5549.5.T7H635 2000 IN
Book Horvart, Anya. Francine sings a keepsake of nursery songs & lullabies: Musical casette and songbook. CRC M1992.N93 1984 IN
Book Horvat, William Joseph. Above the Pacific. Pac.TL522.H3H6 IN
Book Horvath, Verna J., ill. Jimmie Boogie learns about smoking. CRC Pic.B75 2002 OUT
Book Horwitz, A. Prevention of micronutrient deficiencies: tools for policymakers and public health workers. RC627.T7P74 1998 IN
Book Horwitz, Tony, 1958- Blue latitudes : boldly going where Captain Cook has gone before. Pac.G420 .C65H67 2002 IN
Book Horwood, Catherine. Women and their gardens : a history from the Elizabethan era to today. HD6077.H78 2012 IN
Book Horwood, Jane. The Oxford Spanish dictionary : Spanish-English/English-Spanish. Ref.PC4640.O94 2003 IN
Book Hosaka, E. Y. Botanical report. Pac.HC464.M5U6 IN
Book Hosea, Robert C. Observations (1997-2005) of little tern (Sterna albifrons) nesting attempts on Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Ilands.
Book Hosei, Huan Rural education in Palau : a second look at Tobi Elementary School. Pac.LA2270.P34H6 2002 c.3 IN
Book Hoselitz, Berthold Frank, 1913- ed. A reader's guide to the social sciences. H61.H69 1970 IN
Book Hosenfeld, Wilm. The pianist : the extraordinary true story of one man's survival in Warsaw, 1939-45. DS135.P63S94713 1999 IN
Book Hoshino, Edith S., 1941- International book publishing : an encyclopedia. Ref.Z282.5.I58 1995 IN
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