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  Author Title Call Number Status
 4 Hirsch, E. D. (Eric Donald), 1928
Book Hirsch, Edward How to read a poem : and fall in love with poetry. PN1042 .H48 1999 IN
Video Hirsch, Emile Into the wild. MITC DVD 1287 IN
Book Hirsch, Franziska. Private forest ownership in Europe. Doc.SD177.S36 2010 IN
Book Hirsch, Jennifer The Bitty twins' midnight secret. CRC Pic.H57 2002 IN
Video Hirsch, Judd. Beautiful mind. MITC DVD 119 IN
Mixed Hirschberg, G. German land records on Micronesia. VerF 0433.70 Pac IN
Book Hirschberg, Stuart. One world, many cultures. PE1417.O57 2010 IN
Book Hirschberg, Terry. One world, many cultures. PE1417.O57 2010 IN
Book Hirschfelder, Arlene B. Encyclopedia of smoking and tobacco. Ref.HV5760.H57 1999 IN
Book Hirschi, Ron. Spring. CRC QH81.H655 1990 IN
Book Hirschman, Leigh Ann What your doctor hasn't told you and the health-store clerk doesn't know: the truth about altenrative treatments and what works. R733.S35 2006 IN
Book Hirschmann, Jane R., 1946- Overcoming overeating : living free in a world of food. RC552.E18H57 1998 IN
Book Hirsh, Diana The world of Turner, 1775-1851. Ref.ND497.T8H64 IN
Book Hirsh, E. D 1928- Why knowledge matters : rescuing our children from failed educational theories. LB1570.H57 2016 IN
Book Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy. Play=learning : how play motivates and enhances children's cognitive and social-emotional growth. BF717.P69 2006 IN
Book Hirshberg, Charles. ESPN25 : 25 mind-bending, eye-popping, culture-morphing years of highlights. GV742.3.H57 2004 IN
 4 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.
Book Hirshler, Erica E. Americans in Paris, 1860-1900. ND210.A5 2006 IN
Book Hirsi Ali, Ayaan, 1969- Infidel. DJ292.H57A3 2007 IN
Video Hirst, michael Elizabeth the golden age. MITC DVD 726 IN
Book Hirst, Paul Heywood. Philosophy of education : major themes in the analytic tradition. Ref.LB7.P5432 1998 IN
Mixed Hirt, H.F. South Pacific Islands - marine turtle resources : a report prepared for the Fisheries Development Agency Project. VerF.1307 Pac. IN
Book Hirth, Harold F. Synopsis of biological data on the green turtle, Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus) 1758. Pac.QL666.C536H57 1971 IN
 2 Hisakatsu, Hijikata
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