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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Love, Ralph Ngatata. Public policy implementation and project management : "Curriculum development for project management," workshop to critique and refine prototype curriculum package, June 20-30, 1977, summary report. Pac.JF1338.A2P85 1977 IN
Video Love, Sam Make the choice to take charge. MITC VC 177 IN
Video Lovegrove, Holly Suzie's story. MITC VC 156 IN
Video Lovejoy, Ray Year of the comet. MITC VC 1109 IN
 2 Lovejoy, Thomas E.
Mixed Loveland, Jerry K. Tradition and legitimacy : the example of Western Polynesia. VerF 0366.01 Pac. IN
Book Loveless, Avril. ICT in the primary school. LB1028.3.I315 2002 IN
Book Loveless, Barbara Luckner ed. Micronesian Occupational College: vocational education teacher training program, March 1, 1979 - April 1, 1980. Pac.LC2810.M5M58 1979 IN
Book Loveless, Tom, 1954- The great curriculum debate : how should we teach reading and math?. LB1570.G72 2001 IN
Book Lovell, Bernard, Sir, 1913- Pathways to the universe. Ref.QB43.2.G72 IN
Video Lovell, Dyson The Odyssey. MITC DVD 249 IN
Book Lovell, Edward R. Palolo Deep National Marine Reserve : a survey, inventory and information report. Pac.QH198.W5L68 1994 no.84 IN
Book Loveridge, Arthur, b. 1891. Reptiles of the Pacific world. Pac.QL664.A1L6 1945 IN
Book Lovesey, Peter Reader's digest condesed books, 1995. PN6013.5.R22d 1995 IN
Book Lovett, Sarah, 1953- Burned : a Vanessa Pierson novel. PS3625.I58586B87 2014 IN
Book Lovins, Amory B., 1947- Soft energy paths : toward a durable peace. TJ163.2.L94 1977 IN
Book Lovitt, Thomas C. Preventing school failure : tactics for teaching adolescents. LC146.6.L68 2000 IN
Book Low, Alaine M. Sacred custodians of the earth? : women, spirituality, and the environment. HQ1233.S135 2001 IN
Book Low, Alaine M. Canny, Nicholas P. The Oxford history of the British Empire. DA16.O95 1999 IN
 2 Low, John.
 2 Low, Marilyn.
Serial Low, Marilyn Ph.D. Integrating numeracy and literacy.
 2 Low, Marylin
Serial Low, Marylin Ph.D. Senior Specialist, PREL. Prime--integrating mathematics and English in Chuuk.
Book Low, Morris. Science, technology and society in contemporary Japan. Q175.52.J3L68 1999 IN
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