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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Look, David W., AIA, editor Kosrae archaeology : studies in the prehistory of Malem Municipality, Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.DU568.K8S75 1997 IN
 2 Look, David W., editor, AIA.
Book Look, David W. (series editor) Pohnpei archaeology component, Salapwuk archaeology : a survey of historic and cultural resources on Pohnpei Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.DU568.P63A97 1997 IN
Book Look, David Walter. For future use : a management conservation plan for the World War II sites in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Pac.D767.99.M3L66 1993 IN
Book Look, Lenore. Ruby Lu, brave and true. CRC Juv.L87 2004 IN
 3 Loomis, Albertine.
Book Loomis, Gregg. The pegasus secret. PB LOO 2005 IN
Book Loos, Anita, 1894-1981. "Gentlemen prefer blondes" ; "But gentlemen marry brunettes" : the illuminating diary of a professional lady. PS3523.O557G4 1989 IN
Book Lopes, Barry Holstun, 1945- Maps of reconciliation: literature and the ethical imagination. Pac.PN56.E735M37 2007 IN
Book Lopes, Carlos ; edit. Capacity for development : new solutions to old problems : executive summary. HC59.72.C3C36 2002 IN
Serial Lopes, Norma The United States weather bureau i Micronesia.
 2 Lopez, Anthony.
 3 Lopez, Barry.
Book Lopez, Barry Holstun, 1945- Gates of reconciliation : literature and the ethical imagination. Pac.PN6014.G37 2008 IN
 6 Lopez, Benjamin.
Book López Camelo, Andrés F. Manual for the preparation and sale of fruits and vegetables : from field to market. FAO.S571.L66 2004 IN
 2 Lopez, Darren.
Book Lopez, Donald S., 1952- The story of Buddhism : a concise guide to its history and teachings. BQ4012.L65 2001 IN
Book Lopez, Francisco. Plant genetic resources and food security : stakeholder perspectives on the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. FAO.SB123.3.F75 2011 IN
Book Lopez, H.De Sousa Insects of Micronesia : Diptera Omphralidae (Scenopinidae) and Sarcophagidae. Pac.QL489.M5H37 1958 IN
Book Lopez, Loretta, 1963- ill. Say hola to spanish. CRC PC4445.E49 1996 IN
Book Lopez, Mellie Leandicho. A study of Philippine games. Pac.GR325.L63 2001 IN
Book Lopez, Monica. Preparing literature reviews : qualitative and quantitative approaches. Q180.55.E9P36 2008 IN
Book Lopez, Nelson A. Mapping coastal aquaculture and fisheries structures by satellite imaging radar : case study of the Lingayen Gulf, the Philippines. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Video Lopez, Noriko COM-FSM music concert. MITC DVD 561 A IN
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