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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of the South Pacific. Rural Development Centre. The Road out : rural development in Solomon Islands. Pac.HJ99.S6R6 IN
Serial University of the South Pacific. School of Agriculture. Journal of South Pacific agriculture. Pac.S479.J68 1992 IN
Book University of the South Pacific. School of Law. Policing in the South Pacific Region. Pac.KVC630.N49 2000 IN
Book University of the South Pacific. School of Natural Resources. Soils of the Fiji pine forests. Pac.S390.3.F5S65 1985 IN
 5 University of the South Pacific. School of Social and Economic Development.
 4 University of the South Pacific. Solomon Islands Centre.
 3 University of the South Pacific. Suva, Fiji.
Serial University of the South Pacific. Vice-Chancellor's Office. Report. Pac.LG961.F6U581 1982 IN
 2 University of Victoria, British Columbia.
Book University of Victoria Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives. Women, culture and development in the Pacific. Pac.HQ1240.5.P32W65 1999 IN
 2 University of Virginia. Library.
Book University of Wales. Centre for Marine Law and Policy. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea : impact and implementation : proceedings, Law of the Sea Institute Nineteenth Annual Conference. Pac.JX4408.L373 1985 IN
Book University of Wales. College of Cardiff. Dept. of City and Regional Planning. Evaluating effectiveness : a framework for assessing the management of protected areas. S944.5.P78H63 2000 IN
Book University of Washington. School of Marine Affairs. Improving fishery management : melding science and governance : summary proceedings from a symposium held at the University of Washington, Seattle, November 15-16, 2004. Pac.SH221.5.P32I47 2005 IN
Book University of Western Australia. Department of anthropology. Anthropological forum. Pac.GN4.A5 1972 IN
Book University of York. Centre for Health Economics. Health economics for developing countries : a practical guide. BTL RA410.55.H35 2000 box 130 IN
Book University oh Hawaii at Manoa. Sea Grant College Program. Wave attenuation and wave set-up on a coastal reef. Pac.GC1.L663 1981 IN
Book Universwity of Hawaii Extension Course. Ghoolayil seypel. Pac.PL6228.L14 IN
Video Uniview Production. Psychology : evolution by natural selection. MITC VC 305 IN
Video Uniview Productions. Language development. MITC VC 1145 C IN
Serial Unpingco, Bert R. Pictorial of Guam & Micronsesia. Pac.DU647.2.U57 1997 IN
Book Unschuld, Paul U., (Paul Ulrich), 1943- Learn to read Chinese : An introduction to the language and concepts of current Zhongyi literature by Paul U. Unschuld. PL1117.5.M43U4713 1994 IN
UNSTAT See: United Nations. Statistical Division
 2 Unstead, R. J.
Book Untalan, Faye F. Interdisciplinary perspectives in child abuse and neglect. HV741.I8 1992 IN
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