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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Leonard, Laurence B. Language acquisition across North America : cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspectives. P118.L2538 1999 IN
 2 Leonard, Marcia.
Video Leonard, Robert Sean, 1969. In the gloaming. MITC VC 747 IN
Book Leonard S. Marcus ill. Alice's adventures in wonderland & other stories. CRC PZ7.C23 2010 OUT
Book Leonard, Warren H., 1900- joint author. Principles of field crop production. SB187.U6M3 1976 IN
Book Leonard, Woody. Excel 97 annoyances. HF5548.4.M523L46 1997 IN
 4 Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452-1519
Book Leondes, Cornelius T. Database and data communication network systems : techniques and applications. QA76.9.D3D26 2002 IN
Book Leone, Daniel A., ed. The spread of AIDS. RA644.A25S677 1997 IN
Video Leone, Sergio A fistful of dollars. MITC VC 1320 IN
Book Leong, Chan-Hoong. Intercultural relations in Asia : migration and work effectiveness. HM1211.I5737 2010 IN
Book Leong, Deborah. Tools of the mind : the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education. LB1139.23.L46 1996 OUT
Book Leong, Margaret Infection prevention and control guidelines : 2010. Pac.RA761.O5L55 2010 IN
Book Leoni, Edgar. Nostradamus and his prophecies. BF1815 .N8 A213 1982 IN
Book Leoni Zanobini, Maria Teresa Leonardo da Vinci. N6923.L33L47 2005 IN
Book Leopold, Estella B. Miocene pollen and spore flora of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. Pac.QE993.L42 IN
Video Leopold, Lucy. College experience. MITC DVD 825 IN
 2 Lepers, Christelle.
 2 LePoer, Barbara Leitch, 1941-
Book LePore, Ernest, 1950- What is cognitive science?. BF311.W48 1999 IN
Serial Lepowsky, Maria Anthroppphgagi in New-York and other voyages.
Book Leqata, John Solomon Islands sea cucumber resource status and recommendations for management. Pac.QL384.H7P355 2014 IN
 2 Lera, Thomas M.
Book Lere, John C., 1945- Managerial accounting : a planning, operating, control framework. HF5657.4.L47 1991 IN
 2 Lerner, Adrienne Wilmoth.
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