View previous page View next page Author Search:  Pavlik, Cheryl.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Paterson, Bettina. Baby's 123 : a counting song. CRC Pic.P348 1992 IN
Video Paterson, Bill, 1945- Truly madly deeply. MITC DVD 130 IN
Book Paterson, Diane, 1946- ill. Keep the beat. CRC Pic.O78 1993 IN
Book Paterson, Don. Cook Islands Judgments : a collection of judgments of the high court and court of appeal of the Cook Islands. Pac.KVL334.2.A46C66 2002 IN
 3 Paterson, Donald Edgar.
Book Paterson, Donald Gildersleeve, b. 1892, joint ed. Studies in individual differences: the search for intelligence. BF431.S9 1961 IN
Mixed Paterson, Jane H. Nutritional problems among Pacific Island children. VerF 0858.94. Pac IN
 3 Paterson, Katherine
Book Paterson, Thomas G., 1941- Encyclopedia of U.S. foreign relations. Ref.E183.7.E53 1997 IN
Book Pathak, Katherine. Aoife's chariot. PS3616.A3 A3 2013 IN
 2 Pathé Cinéma.
Book Patiale, H. Fisheries resources survey of the island of Niue : a report prepared in conjunction with the South Pacific Commission Inshore Fisheries Research Project and the FAO Regional Aquaculture Development Project for the Government of Niu, July 1990. Pac.SH319.A2T38 no.3 IN
 4 Patience, John.
Mixed Patil, Ashok D. Frondosins, five new sesquiterpene hydroquinone derivatives with novel skeletons from the sponge dysidea frondosa : inhibitors of interleukin-8 receptors. VerF 0639.97 Pac IN
Book Patkus, Beth Assessing preservation needs : a self-survey guide. Z701.P364 2003 IN
Book Paton, Alan. Instrument of thy peace. BV4832.2.P27 1968 IN
 2 Paton Walsh, Jill, 1937-
Video Patrick Abraham Carmen Gonzales's speech class. MITC DVD 1387 IN
Mixed Patrick, B.C. Relationship between blood pressure and modernity among Ponapeans. VerF.028 Pac. IN
Book Patrick, Brian, author. Guidelines for undertaking rapid biodiversity assessments in terrestial and marine environments in the Pacific, 2014. Pac.QH77.O3G85 2014 IN
Book Patrick, Dale I. Solid waste management plan for Truk, Ponape, and Majuro: Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands/. Pac.TD795.7.P3 1977 IN
Book Patrick, Gay D. Building the reference collection : a how-to-do-it manual for school and public librarians. Z718.1.P36 1992 IN
Book Patrick, Jane. The weaver’s idea book : creative cloth on a rigid-heddle loom. TT848.P42 2010 IN
Book Patrie, James, 1950- The genetic relationship of the Ainu language. PL495.1.P37 1982 IN
Book Patrikis, Peter Charles. Reading between the lines : perspectives on foreign language literacy. P53.475.R43 2003 IN
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