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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Dickson, Donald L. Famous marine battles. MITC VC 307 IN
Book Dickson, Edward Brady emergency care. RC86.7.L62 2009 IN
Book Dickson, Edward C. A field guide to the birds of South-East Asia, covering Burma, Malaya, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Hong Kong. QL691.S66K56 1975 IN
Book Dickson, Gwen Griffith, 1961- Human and divine : an introduction to the philosophy of religious experience. BL53.D48 2000 IN
Mixed Dickson, Joan The prevalence of vitamin A deficiency in 1994 on an atoll of the Marshall Islands and its relationship to locally grown food.
 2 Dickson, Murray.
Book Dickson, Paul. From Elvis to e-mail : trends, events, and trivia from the postwar era to the end of the century. E741.D5 1999 IN
Computer Dickson, Susan Chaucer : life and times. CD ROM 0140 1995 IN
Book Dickson, T. R. (Thomas R.), 1938- Introduction to chemistry. QD31.2.D56 1995 IN
Book Dickstein, Ruth An index to women's studies anthologies : research across the disciplines, 1980-1984. Ref.GT2520.B76 1994 IN
Book Diddit, Glenn ill. Alice's adventures in wonderland. CRC PR4611.C23 2009 IN
Book Didion, Joan. The year of magical thinking. PS3554.I33Z63 2005 IN
Book DiDonato, Tiffanie. Dwarf : a memoir. RJ135.D53 2012 IN
Book Diehl, Mark The 21st century crossword puzzle dictionary. Ref.GV1507.C7M454 2009 IN
Book Diehl, Sarah J. Nuclear weapons and nonproliferation : a reference handbook. Ref.U264.D53 2002 IN
 2 Diehl, William.
 2 Diei-Ouadi, Yvette.
Book Diemer, Robert. The widow's son : a tropical island of mystery. Pac.PS3355.D55 2012 IN
Book Dierickx, W. Materials for subsurface land drainage systems. FAO.TC970.S88 2005 IN
Book Dierking, Connie Campbell, 1956- Growing up writing : mini-lessons for emergent and beginning writers. LB1140.5.L3D54 2003 OUT
Book Diestler, Sherry. Becoming a critical thinker : a user friendly manual. LB2395.35.D54 2001 IN
Book Dieterich, Thomas. Structure and theme in English grammar : a skills course for language professionals. PE1112.D54 2002 IN
Book Dietetians Association of Australia. Weighing the evidence : program and proceedings, 21-24 September 1999. Pac.TX551.A545 1999 IN
Video Diether, John W. Working with stress. Gov.HE20.7129:ST8/DVD IN
 2 Dietrich, Brian
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