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Book Krauss, Bob, ed. A child's history of Hawaii. Pac.DU625.M23 1973 IN
Book Krauss, Ellis S. Media and politics in Japan. P95.82.J3M43 1996 IN
Book Krauss, Jane. Reinventing project-based learning : your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age / Suzie Boss, Jane Krauss. LB1027.43.B67 2007 IN
Mixed Krauss, Ken W. Surface elevation change and susceptibility of different mangrove zones to sea-level rise on Pacific high islands of Micronesia. VerF.088 Pac. IN
Book Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. Quantum man : Richard Feynman's life in science. QC16.F49K73 2011 IN
Book Krauss, N.L.H. The declared noxious weeds of Fiji and their control/. Pac.S400.F5F51 no.48 IN
 5 Krauss, N. L. H. (Noel Louis Hilmer), 1910-
Book Krauss, Noel Louis Hilmer, 1910- Bibliogrpahy of the Tokelau or Union Islands, Central Pacific. Pac.Z4931.K73 1969 IN
Book Krauss, Noel Louis Himer, 1910- Bibliogrpahy of the Phoenix Islands,Central Pacific. Pac.Z4775.K73 1970 IN
Book Krautzer, Bernhard. Site-specific grasses and herbs : seed production and use for restoration of mountain environments. FAO.QK937.K72 2004 IN
Book Kravets, Marybeth. The K & W guide to colleges for the learning disabilities or attention deficit disorder / Marybeth Kravets and Imy F. Wax. Ref.L901.K9 2005 IN
Book Kravits, Sarah Lyman. Keys to success : how to achieve your goals. LB2343.32.C37 1996 IN
Book Kraznai, Marton Open Skies : a cooperative aproach to military transparency and confidence building. Doc.UNIDIR/2004/18 IN
Book Krebs, Dennis. Handbook of evolutionary psychology : ideas, issues, and applications. Ref.BF57.H36 1998 IN
Book Krebs, J. R. (John R.) Behavioural ecology : an evolutionary approach. QL751.B35 1978 IN
Book Krechevsky, Mara. Making learning visible : children as individual and group learners. LB1140.25.I8M35 2001 IN
Book Kreh, R. T. Masonry skills. TH5313.K73 1983 IN
Book Kreider, Claude M. The bamboo rod : how to build it. NK3649.3.K7 1992 IN
eBook Kreider, Rose M. (Rose Marie) Number, timing, and duration of marriages and divorces, 1996.
Book Kreisel, W. E. A review of measuring methods and procedures for estimating diesel smoke emissions from motor vehicles. ARC. TTPI 01 IN
Book Krell, Dorothy. San Francisco : a sunset pictorial. F869.S3S244 1975 IN
Book Kremling, K. (Klaus) Methods of seawater analysis. GC101.2.M56 1999 IN
Book Krensky, Stephen. Bones. CRC QM101.K69 1999 IN
 4 Krentz, Jayne Ann.
Book Krenzke, Chris. Writers INC : a student handbook for writing & learning. PE1112.S42 2001 IN
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