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  Author Title Call Number Status
 3 DeVita, Philip R., 1932-
Book DeVito, Pam, ill. We'll paint the octopus red. CRC PZ7.S94156 1998 IN
Video Devlin, Dean. The patriot. MITC VC 1089 IN
Book Devlin, Frank. Love in all the wrong places. PS3556.A775L685 2004 IN
 4 Devlin Video International
 2 Devoe, Nora N.
Book Devoto, Giacomo. The languages of Italy. PC1075.D49 1978 IN
Book DeVries, Rheta. Developing constructivist early childhood curriculum : practical principles and activities. LB1139.4.D49 2002 IN
Book Dewaele, Jean-Marc, 1962. Opportunities and challenges of bilingualism. P115.O67 2002 IN
Video Dewalt, Gary Navajo code talkers. MITC VC 192 IN
Video Dewar, Stephen Krakatoa the day that shook the world. MITC VC 100 IN
Book Dewdney, Anna. Llama Llama home with Mama. CRC PZ8.3.D51 2011 IN
Book Dewdney, John. The health workforce : South Pacific Island Nations. Pac.RA410.9.P16R67 1991 IN
Book DeWees, Marisa, transcriber. Oral history interview with John Alexander Kneubuhl, Samoan playwright, linguist, historian. Pac.PS3561.N417Z465 2002a IN
Book Dewey, Ariane. Mitchell is moving. CRC PZ7.S529 1978 IN
Book Dewey, Ariane, ill. Turtle's race with Beaver : a traditional Seneca story. CRC Pic.Br8 2005 IN
Book Dewey, Jennifer, ill. Strange creatures that really lived. CRC Pic.S45 1987 OUT
 2 Dewey, John, 1859-1952.
 3 DeWhitt, Benjamin L., 1941-
Book Dewin, Howard. Princess goes to school. CRC Pic.D51 2008 IN
Book Dewin, Howie. The dog : why are dogs' noses wet? and other true facts. CRC SF426.2.D49 2006 IN
 2 DeWit, Susan C.
Book DeWitt, James. In pursuit of the Spanish galleon. Pac.PZ7.D27 In IN
Book Dexter, Colin. Death is now my neighbour : an Inspector Morse novel. PR6054.E96D43 1997 IN
Book Dexter, Robin. Stars : near & far. CRC Pic.D49 1996 IN
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