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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage safeguarding efforts in the Federated States of Micronesia : In collaboration with the FSM National Archives, Culture, and Historic Preservation Office. Pac.CC135.I8 I8 2013 IN
Book International Insitute of Space Law. Space law : a bibliography : cumulative index of the proceedings of Colloquiums of the International Institute of Space Law, 1958-1994. Doc. KZA 102 4.S66 1996 IN
 4 International Institute for Educational Planning
Book International Institute for Environment and Development. Tiempo : global warming and the third world. Pac.QC981.8.G56T54 IN
Book International Institute for Peace and Conflict Research. Multilateral diplomacy and the NPT : an insider's account. Doc.KZ5675.D43 2005 IN
Book International Institute for Population Studies. Regional workshop on techniques of analysis of world fertility survey data: report and selected papers. Pac.HB901.R4 1979 IN
Book International Labor Organization. Acrylonitrile. Doc.WHO C 748 no.39 IN
 4 International Labour Office.
Book International Labour Office. Dept. of Statistics. Measuring the economically active in population censuses : a handbook. Doc.HB849.41.M43 2010 IN
 13 International Labour Organisation.
 3 International Labour Organization.
Book International law and human rights. United Nations. Conscientious objection to military service. Doc.K4734.C6C66 2012 IN
Book International Liberators Conference (1st : 1981 : Washington, D.C.) The Liberation of the Nazi concentration camps 1945 : eyewitness accounts of the liberators. D805.A2L54 1987 IN
Book International Life Science Institute. Obesity in the Pacific : too big to ignore. Pac.RA645.O23 2002 IN
Book International Life Sciences Institute. The effect of vitamin A nutriture on health. QU167.N14 1999 IN
 5 International Livestock Research Institute
Book International Mango Symposium (5th : 996 : Tel Aviv, Israel) 5th International Mango Symposium : Tel Aviv, Israel, September 1-6, 1996. Pac.SB379.M2I58 1996 IN
Book International Mango Symposium (5th : 1996 : Tel Aviv, Israel) Fifth International Mango Symposium : 1997. SB13.A181 1996 IN
Book International Marine Manuscript Archives. A compilation of the holdings of the Whaling and Marine Manuscript Archives. Pac.G545.W53 1971 IN
Mixed International Marinelife Alliance, Integrative Biological Research Program University of Guam Marine Laboratory. Insular Freshwater fish faunas of Micronesia : patterns of species richness and similarity. Pac.QL614.E58 IN
 3 International Maritime Organization.
Book International Masters Publishers. Wildlife fact-file : animal identification and conservation guide. Ref.QL46.W542I573 1996 IN
Book International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East (2003 : Seville, Spain) Towards a two-state solution : an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue : proceedings of the International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East. Doc.DS119.76.I584 2003 IN
Book International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East (2004 : Beijing, China) Role of civil society in promoting a just and lasting peace in the Middle East : an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue : proceedings of the International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East, organized by the United Nations Department of Public Information in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China : 16 and 17 June 2004, Beijing, China. Doc.DS119.76.I584 2004 IN
Book International Meeting on Cities and Health (2001 : Mississauga, Ont.) International Meeting on Cities and Health : towards the betterment of citizens´health and welfare systems : proceedings of a WHO international meeting, 3-5 September 2001, Mississauga, Canada. RA566.7.I58 2001 IN
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