View previous page View next page Author Search:  Lehne, Richard A., 1943-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Lask, I.M. Mimekor Yisrael : classical Jewish folktales. BM530.B4913 1976 IN
 2 Lasker, Emanuel.
Video Lasker/Parkes Production. Awakenings. MITC VC 881 c.2 IN
Mixed Lasker, Reuben The Response of Salton sea fish eggs and larvae to salinity stress. VerF.0561 Pac. IN
Book Laskin, Emma. Leading minds : an anatomy of leadership. HM141.G17 1995 IN
Book Lasky, David, colorist. El Deafo. CRC HV2534.B44 A3 2014 IN
 3 Lasky, Kathryn.
Book Lasley, Thomas J Strategies for effective teaching. LB1025.3.O76 2000 IN
 2 Lassieur, Allison.
Book Lassman, Thomas Charles. Sources of weapon systems innovation in the Department of Defense : the role of in-house research and development, 1945-2000. Gov.D114.2:W37 IN
 3 Lassuy, Dennis R.
 3 Lasswell, Harold Dwight, 1902-
Book Last, Jay T. The color explosion : nineteenth-century American lithography. NE2303.7.L33 2005 IN
Book Last, John M., 1926- A dictionary of epidemiology. Ref.RA651.D53 1995 IN
Book Laszlo, Andrew, 1926- Every frame a Rembrandt : art and practice of cinematography. TR850.L33 2000 IN
Book Laszlo, Chris. Berkshire encyclopedia of sustainability. Ref.HC79.E5B4576 2010 IN
 2 Laszlo, Ervin, 1932-
Video Late of the Middle Ages The western tradition--Program 23: The late middle ages; Program 24: The national monarchies. MITC VC 1030 L IN
Book Latham, Aaron. The frozen leopard : hunting my dark heart in Africa. DT433.527.L38 1991 IN
Book Latham, Agnes M. C. (Agnes Mary Christabel) As you like it. PR2803.A2L34 1989 IN
Book Latham, Alison. The Norton-Grove concise encyclopedia of music. Ref.ML100.N88 1994 IN
Book Latham, Jean Lee. Drake, the man they called a pirate. PZ7.L34d 1960 IN
Book Latham, Kevin Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands CNMI State library: LSTA five year evaluation 2003-2007/. Pac.Z871.N67C66 2007 IN
Book Latham, R. E. (Ronald Edward) The travels of Marco Polo. G370.P9T69 1982 IN
Book Latham, Sally K. Crafts for kids. CRC TT160.L38 1972 IN
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