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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Kanpol, Barry.
Book Kansai Seisansei Honbu. Mechatronics : the policy ramifications. Pac.HC465.A9M4413 1985 IN
Book Kansas Association of School Librarians. Research Committee. The Handy 5 : planning and assessing integrated information skills instruction. ZA3075.K36 2007 IN
Serial Kansas Entomological Society. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. Pac.Per.QL461.K3 IN
Mixed Kansas University. The United States and Japan in the Western Pacific : Micronesia and Papua New Guinea. Pac.DU500.U443 1981 IN
Book Kansas. University. Midwest Psychological Field Station. Ecological psychology; concepts and methods for studying the environment of human behavior.
Book Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 [Metaphysical Anfangsgrunde der naturwissenschaft, English] Kant : Metaphysical foundations of natural science. B2786.E5F75 2004 IN
Book Kanter, Arnold. U.S. intervention policy for the Post-Cold War world : new challenges and new responses. E840.U173 1994 IN
 4 Kanter, Patsy F.
Video Kantola, Rich Be prepared to speak a guide to public speaking (27 min.). MITC VC 172 c.2 IN
Video Kantola, Steven Be prepared to speak a guide to public speaking (27 min.). MITC VC 172 c.2 IN
Video Kantols-Skeie Production Be prepared to speak a guide to public speaking (27 min.). MITC VC 172 c.2 IN
Book Kantor, Linda Scott. Moving toward the food guide pyramid implications for U.S. agriculture. Gov.A1.107:779 IN
Book Kantowitz, Barry H. Research methods in psychology. BF76.5.E44 1992 IN
Book Kantrov, Ilene. Guiding curriculum decisions for middle-grades language arts. LB1631.C52 2001 IN
Book Kao, Hsing-chien. Soul Mountain. PL2869.0128L5613 2000b IN
 2 Kao, Mary Liu.
 2 Kapai, Tommy.
 4 Kapalua Pacific Center.
Book Kapalua Pacific Center. University of Hawaii (System) Proceedings of State of the Pacific Basin: economic, political and socio-cultural dimensions, November l-3, l989, Kapalua Bay Hotel. Pac.DU28.3.P76 l990 IN
Mixed Kapan, Martha Outside Gods, foreign powers : making history with global means and ends in the Pacific. VerF.0428 Pac. IN
 3 Kapetsky, James M.
 2 Kapferer, Bruce.
 3 Kapileo, Ramon I.
 2 Kapiolani Community College.
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