View previous page View next page Author Search:  Place, Irene Magdaline Glazik, 1912-
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pressler, Mirjam. The diary of a young girl. D810.J4F715 1993 IN
Book Pressley, Marion, 1943- Cultural landscape report for Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site. Gov.I 29.86/4:3/v.2 IN
 2 Pressley, Michael.
Book Pressling, Robert. My sweater. CRC TS1547.P68 1995 IN
Book Pressman, David, 1937- Patent it yourself. KF3114.6.P74 1997 IN
Video Presson, Jason. Stone boy. MITC VC 152 IN
Book Preston, Caroline. Jackie by Josie. PS3566.R397J33 1997 IN
Video Preston, David. The best, bad thing. MITC VC 1052 IN
 5 Preston, Douglas J.
 9 Preston, G. L.
Book Preston, Garry The ecosystem approach to coastal fisheries and aquaculture in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. Pac.SH319.A2P92 2009 IN
 4 Preston, Garry L.
 2 Preston, Richard, 1954-
Book Preston, Richard Arthur. Men in arms : a history of warfare and its interrelationships with Western society. D25.P7 1972 IN
Book Preston, Stephen. Improved seed supply strategies for Pacific Island countries : proceedings of an international workshop, Tanoa International Hotel, Nadi, Fiji, 25-29 November 1996. Pac.SB114.O3I47 1999 IN
Book Prestowitz, Clyde V. Trading places : how america is surrendering its future to Japan and how to win it back. HC462.9.P69 1988 IN
Video Prete, Richard Del. Kevin's story. MITC VC 260 IN
Book Pretes, Michael. Coup : reflections on the political crisis in Fiji. Pac.DU600.C66 2001 c.2 IN
Serial Pretrick, Eliuel An NGO approach for addressing the nutrition dilemma : Pohnpei focuses on awareness, food analysis, conservation, and food processing. Pac.Per.RA557.P33 2005 IN
Serial Pretrick, Eliuel Dr. "What our communities need".
Book Pretrick, Eliuel K. M.O., M.P.H. The Federated States of Micronesia : Family health project (MIC/84/P02 - MIC/MCH/001) : extension request, calendar year 1991 through 1994. Pac.RA558.F42F4 IN
Book Pretrick, Eliuel K. Project Director. The prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in the Federated States of Micronesia : a proposal for a demonstration project. VerF 06 Pac. IN
Book Pretrick, Eluel TB Prevention and Control/Elimination program for calendar year (SY) 1992. Pac.RA644.T7F31 1992 IN
Mixed Pretrick, Mihne Karat : a unique banana of Pohnpei. VerF 011 Pac. IN
Book Preusser, Barbara A. Critical thinking in medical-surgical settings : a case study approach. RD99.25.W56 2001 IN
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