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Book University of Hawaii. Dept. of Science and Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the 27th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education : Honolulu, Hawaii Proceedings of the 2003 joint meeting of PME 27 and PMENA 25, July 13-18, 2003. QA11.A1P94 2003 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Economic Research Center. Opportunities for small business in Hawaii's visitor industry. Pac.G155.M37 IN
Book University of Hawaii Elder Law Program. Deciding what's next and who in the world cares? a legal handbook for Hawai?i's older persons, families and caregivers. Pac.KFH91.A3P53 2014 IN
 3 University of Hawaii Extension Course
 3 University of Hawaii Foundation.
Book University of Hawaii Hamilton Library Dealing with disaster. Pac.HV555.H28P31 2004 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station. Papaya puree processing. Pac.TX813.P3S72 1966 IN
Book University of Hawaii. Hawaii Agricultural Extension. College of Tropical Agriculture. Herbicide evaluation studies with sweet corn (Zea mays L.) in Hawaii. Pac.SB351.C7H47 1974 IN
 20 University of Hawaii (Honolulu)
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Advisory Council on the International Relations of the University. Survey of international relations of the University of Hawaii. Prepared for the Advisory Council on the International Relations of the University. Pac.LG961.H39B3 IN
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). |b Committee for the Preservation of Hawaiian Language, Art, and Culture. Ka po?e kahiko : the people of old. Pac.DU624.5.K3 IN
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Center for Engineering Research. Proceedings of the solar energy for hot water heating one-day workshop, April 15, 1976, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Campus Center Ballroom. Pac.TH7413.P76 1976 IN
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). College of Agriculture. A report on selected mainland markets for Hawaiian floral products. Pac.S399.E15 1958 IN
 3 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). College of Education.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). College of Tropical Agriculture. Tropical root and tuber crops tomorrow; proceedings. Pac.SB209.I55 1970 IN
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Curriculum Research & Development Group. FAST 1 : Foundational Approaches in Science Teaching. Pac.LB1585.3.F22 1981 IN
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Department of Agronomy and Soil Science. Abstracts of publications and research, Department of Agronomy and Soil Science, College of Tropical Agriculture, 1960-1974. Pac.S399.E32 IN
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Department of Ocean Engineering. A literature review of the effects of sand removal on a coral reef community. Pac.Z6033.R4L48 1971 IN
Serial University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Department of Sociology. Social process in Hawaii. Pac.Per.HN933.S6 1994 v.36 IN
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Dept. of Anthropology. The Laura report; a field report of training and research in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Pac.GN671.M32M38 IN
 5 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Economic Research Center.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Extension Division. Introduction to Japanese : basic sentence structure. Pac.PL535.F85 IN
 9 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). International Health Program.
Book University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Land Study Bureau. Land classification program proposal for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.HD1129.M5S34 1967 IN
 5 University of Hawaii (Honolulu). Legislative Reference Bureau.
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