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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission. Session (13th : 2008 : Cartagena, Colombia) Report of the thirteenth session of the Commission and of the tenth session of the Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in the Lesser Antilles : Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 21-24 October 2008. FAO.SH331.F2 2009 no. 905 IN
Book Western Gerontological Society. Regional Education and Training Program. Sociocultural and other characteristics relevant to provision of services to the elderly in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Caroline and Marshall Islands). Pac. HV1491 M5 M3 IN
Book Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Economic Development Internship Program. The survey & development of managerial resources in Micronesia : internship report. Pac.HF5500.A88 IN
Book Western Islands Development Enterprises. A proposal for Micronesian development. Pac. HC687 .M5 B74 IN
Book Western Islands Development Enterprises, Inc. (WIDE). WIDE Mic-American concept for economic development of the Western Pacific Islands. Pac.HC687.M5 W48 IN
Book Western Mapping Center. Topographic mapping of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.GA125.W47 1979 IN
Serial Western Oregon State College. Micronesian students newsletter. Pac.LD2935.O73 IN
 14 Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (U.S.)
Serial Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (U.S.). Bottomfish Plan Team. Bottomfish and Seamount Groundfish Fisheries of the Western Pacific Region : annual report. Pac.SH214.B68 IN
 2 Western Pacific Regional Centre for the Promotion of Environmental Planning and Applied Studies.
 3 Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (U.S.) See: Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (U.S.)
Book Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (WPRFMC) Lady Vini's big Pacific adventure. Pac.QL666.C536L33 2007 IN
Book Western Pacific Sea Turtle Cooperative Research & Management Workshop (2nd : 2006 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Proceedings of the second Western Pacific Sea Turtle Cooperative Research & Management Workshop. Pac.QL666.C536W47 2006 IN
Book Western Pacific Sea Turtle Cooperative Research and Management Workshop (2002 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Proceedings of the Western Pacific Sea Turtle Cooperative Research & Management Workshop, February 5-8, 2002. Pac.QL666.C536W47 2002 IN
Book Western Pacific Yellowfin Tuna Research Group. Meeting (2nd: 1992: Honolulu, Hawaii) Report of the second meeting of the Western Pacific Yellowfin Tuna Research Group, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 17-24, 1992. Pac.SH351.T8W47 1992 IN
Book Western Publishing Company. Big Bird beep book. CRC Pic.B48 1989 IN
 3 Western Samoa.
Book Western Samoa. Department of Economic Development. Western Samoa's economic development programme, 1966-1970. Pac.HC687.S3W4 1966 IN
Book Western Samoa. Department of Education. Tusitala mo vasega tetele Samoa. Pac.PL6501.A383T8 1959 IN
 3 Western Samoa. Dept. of Economic Development.
 2 Western Samoa. Dept. of Education.
Map Western Samoa Visitors Bureau. Western Samoa, Apia and vicinity [cartographic material] : the national capital of Western Samoa showing the villages of Apia & notable points of interest. Pac. Map 0031 IN
Book Western University of Health Sciences (Pomona, Calif.). College of Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary public health and control of zoonoses in developing countries : summary of comments and discussions from the FAO/WHO/OIE electronic conference = Sante publique veterinaire et controle des zoonoses dans les pays en developpement : Resume des commentaries et discussions de la Conference electronique FAO/OMS/OIE = Salud publica veterinaria y control de zoonosis en paises en desarrollo : resumen de comentarios y discusiones de la Conferencia electr’å 'ica FAO/OMS/OIE. FAO.RA639.R63 2003 IN
Book Westfall, Richard S. The construction of modern science : mechanisms and mechanics. QA802.W47 1977 IN
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