View previous page View next page Author Search:  Dowdy, Joanne Kilgour.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Doxey, William W. Land: its occupancy, ownership and certification : trip report. Pac.HD1121.T7T38 c.1 IN
Book Doyle, A. Coconut uses--uses for the entire coconut. Pac. SB401.C6D6 2000 IN
Book Doyle, Adrian Conan. The exploits of Sherlock Holmes : a collection of Sherlock Holmes adventures based on unsolved cases from the original Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories. PR6054.O89E96 1999 IN
 4 Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930.
Book Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sr. Three adventures of Sherlock Holmes. CRC.PZ6.D69 2000 IN
Book Doyle, Arthur Connan, 1859-1930 Tales of Sherlock Holmes. PR4624.T14 1963 IN
Book Doyle, Beverly, 1963- ill. Aliens from Earth : when animals and plants invade other ecosystems. CRC QH353.B29 2003 IN
Video Doyle, Christopher Rabbit proof fense. MITC DVD 619 IN
Book Doyle, Emma Lyons. Hawaiian Mother Goose : the nonsense rhymes of Tutu Nene/. Pac.PZ8.3.D755 1945 IN
 2 Doyle, Mary Beth
Book Doyle, Michael P. Food microbiology : fundamentals and frontiers. QR115.F654 2013 IN
Book Doyle, Robert C. A prisoner's duty : great escapes in U.S. military history. PB DOY OUT
 2 Dozier, Edward P.
Book Dozier, Thomas A. Dangerous sea creatures : based on the television series, Wild, wild world of animals. QL100.D76 1977 IN
 2 Dozois, Gardner R.
Book DPER. The code of public regulations of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. ARC. TTPI 02 IN
Book D'Praser, Carol. Evening standard images of London. DA684.2.M47 1995 IN
Video Dr. Elaine Costello. Say it by signing a video guide to the basics of sign language. MITC VC 302 IN
Video Dr. Mann, Henrietta The pap test and cervical cancer Taking control of your health. MITC VC 814 IN
Video Dr. Nira Hativa. Effective lecturing engaging students. MITC VC 905 IN
Computer Dr. Schueler's Health Informatics. The corner drug store. CD ROM 0288 1995 IN
Computer Dr. Schueler's Health Informatics, Inc. Dr. Schueler's self health. CD ROM 0286 1995 IN
Video Dr. Shirley Ann Coale. Pre-referral strategies. MITC UE 614 OUT
Video Dr. Suzuki. The human tide on population growth. MITC VC 445 IN
Book Draaiyer, Jurjen. Milk testing and payment systems : resource book : a practical guide to assist milk producer groups. FAO.SF251.M55 2009 IN
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