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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book University of the Ryukyus. Pacific Islands Academic Summit : intellectual exchange workshop of the Pacific Islands, July 7 - 9, 2000, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan : records of proceedings/. Pac.LA2201.P33 2000 IN
 40 University of the South Pacific.
Book University of the South Pacific. Centre for Applied Studies in Development. Knowing and knowing how : a self-help manual on technology for women in the Pacific. Pac.TX147.K56 IN
Book University of the South Pacific Community. Marine Studies Programme. Seafood spoilage and sickness. Pac.SH328.C43 2001 IN
Book University of the South Pacific. Cook Islands Extension Centre. Akono'anga Maori = Cook islands culture. Pac.GN671.C6C66 2003 IN
Book University of the South Pacific. Department of Economics. A single currency for the Melanesian island countries in the South Pacific : a stepwise approach. Pac.HC681.A1U87 IN
Book University of the South Pacific Dept. of Economics (USPEC). Federated States of Micronesia : Current economic statistics. Pac.HA4010.7.A4C93 1999? IN
 6 University of the South Pacific. Extension Services.
Book University of the South Pacific. Fiji Centre. South Pacific literature : from myth to fabulation. Pac.PR9595.S819 1992 IN
 3 University of the South Pacific. Institute for Research, Extension, and Training in Agriculture.
 2 University of the South Pacific, Institute of Applied Sciences.
Book University of the South Pacific. Institute of Applied Sciences & Department of Chemistry. Pacific island foods : vol 2 : nutrient compositionof some Pacific island foods and the effect of earth-oven cooking. Pac.TX360.O3P33 2001 IN
 5 University of the South Pacific. Institute of Education.
Book University of the South Pacific. Institute of Justice and Applied Legal Ethics. Judicial review applications in Fiji : principles and materials. Pac.KVN195.A45 2001 IN
 6 University of the South Pacific. Institute of Justice and Applied Legal Studies.
 4 University of the South Pacific. Institute of Marine Resources.
Book University of the South Pacific. Institute of Pacific Island Studies. Atiu an island community. Pac.DU430.C6.A78 IN
 71 University of the South Pacific Institute of Pacific Studies.
Book University of the South Pacific. Institute of Pacific Studies Publication. Status of coral reefs in the Southwest Pacific, 2004. Pac.QH541.5.C7S73 2007 IN
Book University of the South Pacific. Institute of PacificUniversity of the South Pacific Studies The material culture of Kiribati. Pac.GN429.K6213 1986 IN
Book University of the South Pacific. Institute of Rural Development. Workshop on land tenure and rural development for the Countries of the South Pacific : Organized in collaboration with the Institute of Pacific Studies and the Institute of Rural Development of the University of the South Pacific /. Pac.HD1120.7.Z63W6 1984 IN
Book University of the South Pacific. Journalism Programme. The Pacific journalist : a practical guide. Pac.PJ5620.P33 2001 IN
Book University of the South Pacific. Kiribati Extension Centre. Politics in Kiribati. Pac.DU615.8 .P65 1980 IN
 9 University of the South Pacific. Library.
University of the South Pacific. Library. Pacific Information Centre See: University of the South Pacific. Pacific Information Centre.
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