Author |
Title |
Call Number |
Status |
International City/County Management Association.
Getting to smart growth II : 100 more policies for implementation.
International Civil Aviation Organization.
Civil aviation needs assessment survey, South Pacific states.
Pac.TL726.9.O3I6 1986
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas.
Field manual for statistics and sampling of Atlantic tunas and tuna-like fishes.
Pac.SH351.T8M54 1990
International Commission of Jurists (1952-
Palau, a challenge to the rule of law in Micronesia : report of a mission on behalf of the International Commission of Jurists and the American Association for the International Commission of Jurists.
Pac.JQ6240.A5B83 1988
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage International Executive Council Meeting (54th : 2003 : Montpellier, France)
Capacity development in irrigation and drainage : issues, challenges and the way ahead : proceedings of the International Workshop held on 16 September 2003 during the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage Fifty-fourth International Executive Council Meeting, Montpellier, France.
FAO.S612.2.I58 2003
International Committee of the Red Cross.
International Computaprint Corp.
The Oxford English dictionary.
CD ROM 0450 1999
International Confederation of Midwives.
Midwifery eduction moduels: education for safe motherhood.
RG950.E28 2008
International Conference on Cross Cultural Sensitivity to the Needs of Asian and Pacific Elderly (1981 : Ala Moana Americana Hotel)
Conference proceedings, May 20-22, 1981.
Pac.HQ1060.I57 1982
International Conference on Marine Debris (1st : 1989 : Honolulu, Hawaii)
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Marine Debris : , 2-7 April, 1989, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Pac.GC1081.I568 1990
International Conference on Performance Contracting (1997 : New Delhi, India)
Public enterprise reform and performance contracting : the state of the art : report and papers of an International Conference on Performance Contracting, New Delhi, 13-15 January 1997.
International Conference on Population and Development (1994: Cairo, Egypt).
International Conference on World Peace (8th : 1978 July 23-25 : Tokyo, Japan)
The Pacific era : issues for the 1980s and beyond.
Pac.JX1954.S43 1979
International Congress on Seafood Technology on Sustainable, Innovative and Healthy Seafood (2nd : 2010 : Anchorage, Alaska)
Second International Congress on Seafood Technology on Sustainable, Innovative and Healthy Seafood : FAO/The University of Alaska, 10-13 May 2010, Anchorage, the United States of America.
FAO.SH3.F27 2012 no.22
International Congress on the History of Sciences 17th: 1985 : University of California, Berkeley.
Nature in its greatest extent : Western science in the Pacific.
Pac.Q127.P23I56 1985
International Congress on the History of Sciences (17th : 1991 : University of California, Berkeley).
Organizing Pacific Science : local and international origins of the Pacific Science Association.
Pac.Q127.P23I56 1991
International cooperation. Neuneck, Götz,
The cyber index : international security trends and realities.
Doc.U163.L48 2013
International Coral Reef Initiative.
Coral reefs & mangroves : what you need to know.
Pac.QH541.5.C7C57 2000
International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Pacific Regional Strategy. (1995 : Suva, Fiji)
International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Pacific Regional Strategy, March 1996.
Pac.QH541.5.C7I5 1996
International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Pacific Regional Workshop (1995 : Suva, Fiji)
International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) Pacific Regional Workshop, Suva, Fiji, 27 November -1 December, 1995 : report.
Pac.QH541.5.C7I5 1995
International Coral Reef Symposium (7th: 1992: Guam)
Proceedings of the Seventh International Coral Reef Symposium, Guam 22-27 June 1992 / [editor: Robert H. Richmond].
Pac.QH541.5.C7157 1992
International Coral Reef Symposium (2002 : Bali, Indonesia)
Proceedings of the Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, 23-27 October 2000.
QH541.5.C7I58 2002
International Council for Bird Preservation.
IUCN red list of threatened animals.
Pac.QL81.5.I93 1996
International Council for Research in Agroforestry.
Agroforestry today.
Pac.Per.S494.5.A45A42 1991
International Council for Science.
Smithsonian at the poles : contributions to International Polar Year science.
Gov.SI 1.21:P 75