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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dept. of Geography.
Serial University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dept. of History. Bulletin. Pac.Per.Q124.6.B85 IN
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dept. of Linguistics.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dept. of Meteorology. Kauai wind power survey : Part 1, Mobile sampling program, 19 August to 5 September 1977. Pac.QC948.R36 1977 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning. American Samoa village planning workbook. Pac.HT435.A43 A437 1997 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Ethnic Studies Oral History Project. Hanahana : an oral history anthology of Hawaii's working people. Pac.HD8083 .H3 H36 1984 IN
 2 University of Hawaii at Manoa. General Assistance Center for the Pacific.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Graduate Maritime Archaeology and History Certificate Program. What sank where : a survey of ships and shipwrecks in the harbors of the Island of Pohnpei based on historical sources and information concerning possible diagnostic elements to aid an archaeological survey of Madolenihmw Harbors. Pac.DU624 .R47 no.2 IN
Serial University of Hawaii at Manoa. Graduate School of Library Studies. PILS. Pac.Per.Z671.P15 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Institute of Culture and Communication (East-West Center). Suicide in Palau 1800-1984. Pac.HV6548.P3P6 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. John A. Burns School of Medicine. Micronesian migrants in Hawaii : health issues and culturally appropriate community-based solutions. Pac.RA448.5.P33M5 2005 c.2 IN
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research. Cost-earnings study of Hawaii's small boat fishery, 1995-1996. Pac.SH214.6.H35 1997 IN
Mixed University of Hawaii at Manoa. Journals Dept. Niche or mass market? the regional context of tourism in Palau.
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Keèna Olelo Hawaii. Ná mea ulu Hawai'i / Ka makani / hó'ili'ili, unuhi a haku ia e Leilani Poliahu ; Ka waa / na Keali ihokulani Tongg i hó'ili ili, unuhi a haku. Pac.PL6445.M43 1995 IN
 4 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library.
Serial University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian and Pacific Collection. Pacific Collection acquisition list. Pac.Z4501.H385 IN
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian and Pacific Collection See also: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian Collection
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian and Pacific Collection See also: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Pacific Collection
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian and Pacific Collections See: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian and Pacific Collection
Serial University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian Collection. Acquisition list. Pac.Z4501.H385 no.55 IN
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian Collection See also: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian and Pacific Collection
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa Library. Pacific Collection. Trust Territory Archives, Pacific Collection, University of Hawai'i Library. Pac.CD2795.M53T78 1994 IN
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Pacific Collection See also: University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Hawaiian and Pacific Collection
Book University of Hawaii at Manoa. Library. Reference Department. Regional Collection. Grants to the Pacific, 1973-1981 : grants awarded by American foundations to recipients in the Pacific Islands. ARC.HC683.T46 IN
 9 University of Hawaii at Manoa. Marine Advisory Program.
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