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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Chang, Clifford Charlotte's story. MITC VC 641 c.2 IN
 2 Chang, Deborah L.
 2 Chang, Ha-Joon.
Mixed Chang, Henry C. Institute for training in library management and communications skills : final report. Pac..Z678.8.C44I59 1979 IN
Book Chang, Hui-Huan Ann Investigating motion events in Austronesian languages.
Book Chang, Iris. The rape of Nanking : the forgotten holocaust of World War II. DS796.N2C44 1998 IN
Serial Chang, Juvenna Instructional leadership in a Pacific context.
Book Chang Li, Rong Finding ESL treasures on the internet: resources to aid ESL teachers. LB1576.7.C36 2000 IN
Book Chang,Luke T. China's boundary treaties and frontier disputes : a manuscript. Ref.DS737.C4818 1982 IN
Book Chang, Monica 1975- The story of the Chinese zodiac. CRC PZ8.1.C36s 1994 IN
Book Chang, Raymond. Chemistry. QD31,3.C38 2013 IN
 2 Chang, Samuel B. K., 1931-
Book Chang, Suk Choo, 1925- Asian culture and psychotherapy : implications for East and West. RC451.A72A85 2005 IN
Book Chang, Williamson B. C. Groundwater in Hawaii, a century of progress : proceedings of the Artesian Water Centennial Symposium. Pac.GB1025.H3A77 1981 IN
Video Changrong, Guo Rain flower pebble. MITC DVD 85 IN
 2 Chanko, Pamela, 1968-
Book Chantry, Walter J., 1938- God's righteous kingdom : focusing on the law's connection with the Gospel. BT79.C45 1980 IN
Book Chao, Sophie. Respecting free, prior, and informed consent : practical guidance for governments, companies, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities in relation to land acquisition. FAO.HD1251.C65 2014 IN
Book Chao, Yuen Ren, 1892- A grammar of spoken Chinese. PL1137.S6C36 1965 IN
Book Chape, Stuart Value Island biodiversity it's our life!. Pac.G1.S77V3 2011 Oversize IN
Book Chapin, Edward Albert, 1894- Insects of Micronesia, Scorpionida. Pac.QL489.M5I59 1957 IN
Book Chapin, Helen Geracimos. Shaping history : the role of newspapers in Hawaii. Pac.PN4897.H33C48 1996 IN
 4 Chapin, John C.
Book Chapin, June R., 1931- Elementary social studies : a practical guide. LB1584.C47 2002 IN
 3 Chapin, Suzanne H.
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