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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Pacific Institute of Public Policy. Idyllic no more : Pacific island climate, corruption, and development dilemmas. Pac.HC681.J64 2015 IN
Serial Pacific Institute of Resources Management. Pacific ecologist. Pac.Per.S900.P33 2007/2008 IN
Book Pacific Insular States (2nd: 1992; Honolulu, Hawaii). Proceedings of the Pacific Insular States: earthquake and hurricane conference, September 14-17, 1992, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pac.QE537.5.P11 1992 IN
Book Pacific Insular States (4th: 1994: Honolulu, Hawaii) Pacific Caucus conference and proceedings: Honolulu, Hawaii, September 7-9, 1994. Pac.HV551.2.P11 1994 IN
Book Pacific Insular States Earthquake and Hurricane Conference. Proceedings of the Pacific Insular States Earthquake and Hurricane Conference : September 14-17, 1992, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pac.HV551.5.P16P76 1992 IN
 2 Pacific International Center for High Technology Research.
Book Pacific Isands Regional Economic Report. Pacific Islands Regional Economic Report : Embarking on a global voyage : trade liberalization and complementary reforms in the Pacific. Pac.HD105.P33 2001 IN
Video Pacific Isladers in Communication. Holo Mai Pele. MITC VC 1011 IN
Book Pacific Island Central School. Exceptional Program. Ehpwa. Pac.PL6295.Z77O48 2004 IN
Video Pacific Island Communication Sacred vessels. navigating tradition and identity in Micronesia. MITC VC 1117 IN
Book Pacific Island Development Commission. An industry plan for development of tuna resources of the Central, South and Western Pacific. Pac.SH351.T8T31 IN
Book Pacific Island Forum (37th: 2006: Nadi, Fiji). Thirty-seventh Pacific Island Forum, Nadi, Fiji 24-25 October 2006 : Agreed record. Pac.HC681.A1P338 2006 IN
 2 Pacific Island History Teachers Association. Council of Presidents.
Video Pacific Island in Communication Happy birthday Tutu Ruth. MITC VC 1113 IN
Video Pacific Island in Communications Tatau : what one must do. MITC VC 1232 IN
 2 Pacific Island Mariculture Conference, Kaneohe, Hawaii 1973.
 3 Pacific Island Network (University of Hawaii (System). Sea Grant Extension Service)
Book Pacific Island (Trust Territory). A Plan for the development of the inshore marine resources of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Pac.SH319.M5T7 IN
Book Pacific Island (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Five year indicative development plan (1976-1981). Pac.HC687.M5A2 1976b IN
Serial Pacific Island (Trust Territory). Department of Public Health. Population, births and deaths : Trust Territory of the Pacific Island 1957-1962. Pac.HA4007.T8P33 IN
Book Pacific Island (Trust Territory) Department of Resources and Development. Division of Lands and Survey. Land capability report of Marpi. Pac.HD1121.M3P3 1971 IN
 2 Pacific Island (Trust Territory). Office of Census Coordinator.
 2 Pacific Island (Trust Territory). Office of the High Commissioner.
Book Pacific Island Women's Council in Hawaii. Pacific Islands Women's Conference on Employment and Labor Market Development: May 7-8, 1987 / Faye Untalan-Munoz. Pac.HD6220.43.M85 1987 IN
Book Pacific Islander American Project. Pacific islander Americans : an annotated bibliography in the social sciences. Pac.E184.P25.P33 1995 IN
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