View previous page View next page Author Search:  Spawforth, Anthony, joint ed.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Stepien, Edward R. Ni'ihau : a brief history. Pac.DU628.N5S83 1988 IN
Computer Steps to Success, Sales mentor. CD ROM 0112 1997 IN
Book Steptoe, Javaka, 1971- In daddy's arms I am tall : African Americans celebrating fathers. CRC PS591.N4B46 2002 IN
Book Steptoe, Javaka, 1971- ill. Hot day on Abbott Avenue. CRC PZ7.E3 2004 OUT
Book Steranko, Diana Health assistant retraining program : orthopedics. Pac.RD811.P16P33 IN
Book Sterk, Bo, ill. Down the street. CRC Pic.B98 1993 IN
Book Sterling, Cheryl (Cheryl S.) Public and private action for Pacific island resource development : proceedings of the conference/workshop presented by Maui Pacific Center, October 12-15, 1998, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. Pac.HC681.P83 1999 IN
Book Sterling, Christopher H., 1943- Encyclopedia of journalism. Ref.PN4728.E48 2009 IN
Book Stern, Fritz Richard, 1926- Gold and iron : Bismarck, Bleichröder, and the building of the German empire. DD218.2 .S85 1977 IN
Book Stern, Hal. Managing NFS and NIS. TK5105.5.S74 1991 IN
Book Stern, Joanne. Parenting is a contact sport : 8 ways to stay connected to your kids for life. HQ755.85.S4 2009 IN
Book Stern, Joyce D., editor. The condition of education in rural schools. LC5146.C65E382 1994 IN
Book Stern, Kingsley Rowland Introductory plant biology. QK47.S3 2008 IN
Book Stern, Leonard N. Hopes, dreams, and promise : the future of homeless children in America. HV4505.N86 1994 IN
Book Stern, Marc J. Measuring conservaion effectiveness in the marine environment : a review of evaluation techniques & recommendations for moving forward. Pac.GC1018.S74 2006 IN
Book Stern, Nanci. With the power of each breath : a disabled women's anthology. HV1569.3.W65W58 1985 IN
Book Stern, Nancy B. Computing in the information age. HF5548.2.S7817 1993 IN
Book Stern, Philip Van Doren, 1900- The portable Edgar Allan Poe. PS2602.S68 1977 OUT
Book Stern, Richard Martin Reader's digest condesed books, 1975. PN6013.5.R22d 1975 IN
Book Stern, Robert A. Computing in the information age. HF5548.2.S7817 1993 IN
Book Sternberg, Les. A Curriculum for profoundly handicapped students : the Broward County model program. CRC LB4032.F6C87 1986 IN
 3 Sternberg, Robert J.
Book Sterne, George. Secrets of the Millionaires : how the rich made it big. HF5386.S83S32 1984 OUT
Book Sternquist, Brenda. International retailing. HF5429.6.S84 1998 IN
 5 Sterritt, David.
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