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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Knox, Susan. Financial basics : a money-management guide for students. LB2343.32.K66 2004 IN
Book Knudsen, Dean. An eye for history : the paintings of William Henry Jackson : from the collection at the Oregon Trail Museum. ND237.J168K78 1997 IN
 2 Knudsen, Greg
 2 Knudsen, Jonathan.
Serial Knudsen, Karen. History of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : a working paper series of the ninth annual Pacific Islands studies conference proceedings. Pac.DU500.P32 1984 IN
Book Knudsen, Lisbeth B. Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : country report, Denmark : comparable FFS-data. Doc.ECE/EAD/PAU/01/3 IN
Book Knudsen, Michelle. A moldy mystery. CRC Pic.K78 2006 IN
 2 Knudsen, Shannon, 1971-
Book Knudson, Harry R. Organizational behavior : a management approach. HD58.7.O69 1978 OUT
 2 Knudson, Kenneth E.
Language Knudson, Kenneth Elville, 1934- `Resource fluctuation, productivity, and social organization on Micronesian coral islands. Pac.GN669.K78 1970a IN
Book Knudson, Marilyn. Pandanus tectorius in Micronesia : A brief overview of its use and importance/. Pac.QK495.P18K58 2005 IN
Book Knuth, Lidija. Legal and institutional aspects of urban and peri-urban forestry and greening. FAO.L524/2 2005 no.88 IN
Serial Knuth Randy Teacher comptence in using technologies : the next big question.
Book Knutson, Barbara, ill. Colors of Ghana. CRC DT510.L57 1999 IN
Book Knutson, Roger M., 1933- Furtive fauna : a field guide to the creatures who live on you. QR251.K56 1996 IN
Book Knyvett, R. Hugh. "Over there" with the Australians. Pac.D640.K8 1918 IN
Book Ko, Rebecca Hon. Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters. PL1281.F3413 1987 IN
Book Kobak, Annette. Isabelle : the life of Isabelle Eberhardt. DT294.7.E2K63 1989 IN
Book Koballa, Thomas R. Learning from cases : unraveling the complexities of elementary science teaching. LB1584.L39 2002 IN
Book Kobayashi, Gavin. Whose slippers are those?. CRC Pic.K34 2005 IN
Book Kobayashi, Issa, 1763-1827. The autumn wind : a selection from the poems of Issa. PL797.2.A6 1984 IN
Mixed Kobayashi, Jun Multi-country case study on school health policy and its implementation in relation to Covid-19 control in Micronesia small islands developing states. VerF.374 Pac. IN
Book Kobayashi, Yasumasa, 1956- Mikuroneshia no kaisuigyo = Micronesian sea fishes. Pac.QL623.6.K63 1994 IN
 2 Kobre, Kenneth, 1946-
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