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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Bernice P. Bishop Museum special publication; 90. Hawaiian damselflies : a field identification guide. Pac. QL520.2 .H3 P65 1996 IN
Book Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate. Hala. Pac.QK495.P18H11 1990 IN
 27 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum.
 3 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Dept. of Anthropology.
Serial Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum Dept. of Entomology. Pacific insects. Pac.Per.QL461.P32 1966 May IN
 2 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Honolulu.
Book Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Library. Dictionary catalog of the Library. Pac.Z4509.B4 v.5 IN
Serial Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts program. Annual report. Pac.DU624.65.B47 1953 IN
 2 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History.
Book Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Pacific Science Information Center. Swains Island, including extracts from the Abraham Piianaia and Killarney Opiopio, Jan. 12-Feb. 23, 1936. Pac.DU819.A1S83 1974 IN
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Pacific Scientific Information Center See: Pacific Scientific Information Center (Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum)
Book Bernier, Olivier. The world in 1800. CB417.B45 2000 IN
Video Bernier, Rosamond. The picasso nobody knew. MITC VC 227 IN
Book Berninghausen, John Chinese breakthrough : learning Chinese language through TV and newspapers : workbook, traditional and simplified characters. PL115.J56 1995 IN
Book Bernis, Luc. Obstetric fistula : guiding principles for clinical management and programme development. BTL RC280.O7 2006 box 140 IN
Book Berns, Walter, 1919- For capital punishment : crime and the morality of the death penalty. HV8694.B47 1991 IN
Book Bernstein, Barry Literature and language : yellow level. CRC PE65.L58te 1992 Gr.11 IN
Book Bernstein, Carl, 1944- His Holiness : John Paul II and the hidden history of our time. BX1378.5.B47 1996 IN
Book Bernstein, Douglas A. Psychology. BF121.P794 1997 IN
Video Bernstein, Elmer. My left foot. MITC DVD 117 IN
Book Bernstein, Jeffrey, 1961- 10 days to a less defiant child : the breakthrough program for overcoming your child's difficult behavior. HQ773.B45 2006 IN
 2 Bernstein, Leonard.
Book Bernstein, Richard, 1944- Dictatorship of virtue : multiculturalism, and the battle for America's future. E184.A1B428 1994 IN
Book Bernstein, Richard K. Dr. Bernstein's diabetes solution : the complete guide to achieving normal blood sugars. RC660.4.B45 2007 IN
Book Bernstein, Theodore Menline, 1904- Headlines and deadlines : a manual for copy editors. PN4775.G19 1961 IN
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