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  Author Title Call Number Status
Video Frank, Edward. Kevin's story. MITC VC 260 IN
Video Frank, Harriet. Conrack. MITC VC 83 IN
Book Frank, Hilmer A. Banana puree processing. Pac.S399.E85 no.202 IN
Book Frank, Janet. Daddies. CRC Pic.F85 2011 IN
Book Frank, Jerome D. Magic, faith, and healing : studies in primitive psychiatry today. BF1591.M33K53 1969 IN
 2 Frank, Langinbo.
Book Frank, Marcella. Writing from experience : with grammar and language skills for ESL/EFL students. PE1128.A2F68 2004 IN
 6 Frank, Marjorie Slavick.
Video Frank, Melvin. White Christmas. MITC VC 627 IN
Book Frank, Norman. A complete guide to scientific and common names of reptiles and amphibians of the world. Ref.QL641.F85 1995 IN
Book Frank, Otto, 1889-1980. The diary of a young girl. D810.J4F715 1993 IN
Book Frank, Robert G., 1952- Handbook of rehabilitation psychology. Ref.R726.7.H366 2010 IN
Book Frank, Thomas, 1965- What's the matter with Kansas? : how conservatives won the heart of America. F686.2.F73 2005 IN
Book Frankel, Benjamin, 1949- History in dispute. Ref.D20.H543 2000 IN
Book Frankel, Edward. DNA, ladder of life. QP551.F84 IN
Book Frankel, Ernst G. Ocean environmental management : a primer on the role of the oceans and how to maintain their contributions to life on earth. QC1085.F75 1995 IN
Book Frankel, Jeffrey A. World trade and payments : an introduction. HF1379.C31 1996 IN
Book Frankel, Stanley A. World War II in the South Pacific. Pac.D769.F736 1992 IN
Book Franken, Al. Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and other observations. E885.F73 1996 IN
Book Frankenstein, Alfred Victore, 1906- The world of Copley, 1738-1815. Ref.ND237.C7F7 IN
Book Frankl, Viktor E. Man's search for meaning. RC455.4.R4F73 1984 IN
Video Franklin, Bonnie. The feminine mistake. MITC VC 82 IN
 2 Franklin, Cynthia G.
Book Franklin, H. Bruce (Howard Bruce), 1934- The Vietnam War in American stories, songs, and poems. PS509.V53V55 1996 IN
Book Franklin, James, 1953- What science knows : and how it knows it. Q175.F7855 2009 IN
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