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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book United States. President’s Committee on Mental Retardation. A report of proceedings. Pac.RC570.P3 1971 IN
Serial United States. President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee. Issue review. Gov.PR42.2:SE2/2/2001 IN
Serial United States. President's New Feedom Commission on Mental Health. Achieving the promis : transforming mental health care in America : final report. Gov.PR43.8:M52/P94 IN
 2 United States Professional Tennis Registry.
 2 United States. Public Health Service.
 2 United States. Public Health Service. Office of Population Affairs.
 5 United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General.
Serial United States. Public Health Services. Surgeon General's report to the American public on HIV infection and AIDS. Gov.HE20.9002:AC7/5 IN
Book United States-Puerto Rico Commission on the Status of Puerto Rico. Status of Puerto Rico. Hearings. Pac.JL1043 1966 .U49 v.1 IN
Book United States. Records Management Division. National Archives and Records Service. Records management survey Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, Saipan Mariana Islands. Pac.JF1521.M5U58 1968 IN
Serial United States. Rehabilitation Services Administration. American rehabilitation : AR. Gov. ED1.211: IN
Book United States. Rural Development. Advancing broadband : a foundation for strong rural communities. Gov.A 114.2:B 78/2 IN
 2 United States. Science and Education Administration.
 2 United States Secret Service
United States. Secretaria de Educacion See: United States. Dept. of Education
United States. Secretary of Education See: United States. Dept. of Education
 3 United States. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Book United States. Securities and Exchange Commission. Division of Corporation Finance. International investing : get the facts : how you can learn more about foreign companies and markets. Gov.SE1.2:IN8/25 IN
Book United States. Securities and Exchange Commission. Office of Investigations. Investigation of failure of the SEC to uncover Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme. Gov.SE 1.2:M 26 IN
Book United States. Senate. Committee on Interioer and Insular Affairs. Joint opening statement of Royston C. Hughes, Department of the Interior, and Edward E. Johnson, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, at Trust Territory oversight hearings before Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, March 10, 1975. Pac.JQ6451.T7H84 1975 IN
Serial United States. Senate. Historical Office. The United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, 2001-2002. Gov.Y1.3:S.PUB.107-2 IN
Book United States. Sept. of State. Maritime boundaries, Tokelau : treaty between the United States of America and New Zealand, signed at Atafu December 2m 1980. Pac.JX231.A34 vol.35 pt.2 IN
Book United States. Small Business Administration. Office of Government Contracting. Directory of small businesses : environmental remediation services. Gov.SBA1.2:D62/5 IN
 2 United States. Social Security Administration.
Serial United States Social Security Administration. Office of Disability and Income Security Programs. Red book: a summary guide to employment support for people with disabilities under the social security disability insurance and supplemental security income programs. Gov.SSA 1.8/5:2006/v.2 IN
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