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  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Kerr, George H., 1911- Okinawa, the history of an island people. DS895.O4K4 1959 IN
Book Kerr, J. Y. K. Sherlock Holmes and the mystery of Boscombe Pool. CRC.PZ6.K47 1999 IN
Book Kerr, Lois H. Coconuts for candy : a story of Guam. Pac.PZ8.9.M57 1972 IN
Book Kerr, Mary Margaret. Strategies for addressing behavior problems in the classroom. LB3013.K47 2002 IN
Book Kerr, Rob Self-discipline : using portfolios to help students develop self-awareness, manage emotions and build relationships. LB1060.2.K47 1999 IN
Book Kerrigan, Michael. The illustrated encyclopedia of Catholicism : a comprehensive guide to Buddhist history, philosophy and practice of Catholic Christianity, with more than 500 beautiful illustrations. Ref.BX4012.C86 2009 IN
 2 Kerrod, Robin.
Book Kersch, Kenneth Ira, 1964- Freedom of speech : rights and liberties under the law. KF4772.K47 2003 IN
Book Kershner, R. B., 1944- The twentieth-century novel : an introduction. PN3503.K47 1997 IN
Book Kershner, Thomas R. Japanese foreign trade. Pac.HF3828.P3K47 1975 IN
Book Kerson, Branson Peneinei Semwemwe ieu. Pac.PL6295.Z77K21 2002 IN
Book Kersting, Kathy. The women in Pohnpei, Micronesia : an overview of their past and present status & formation of the Pohnpei Women's Council and development of the Pohnpei State women's programs budget. Pac.HQ1865.7.Z8P66 1993 IN
Book Kerzner, Harold. Project management : case studies. HD69.P75 2017 IN
Video Kesden, Bradley. Sex, drugs & aids. MITC VC 175 OUT
Video Kesey, Ken One flew over the cuckoo's nest. MITC DVD 133 IN
Book Keshet, Harry F., 1940- Fathers without partners : a study of fathers and the family after marital separation. HQ756.R67 1981 IN
Book Kesler, Charles R. The Federalist papers. PB HAM OUT
Mixed Kesler, Daylan C. Microclimate and nest-site selection in Micronesian Kingfishers. VerF 0016.03 Pac IN
 3 Kesler, Dylan
Book Kesler, Dylan C. Nest-site selection in cooperatively breeding Pohnpei Micronesian kingfishers (Halcyon cinnamomina reichenbachii): does nest-site abundance limit reproductive opportunities?. Pac.QL696.C72K47 2002 IN
 2 Kesler, Dylan Charles
Book Kesolei, Kathy Palauan legends: the dukl the coconut crab and the hermit crab. Pac.GR385.P33P18 1962 IN
Book Kessel, Frank S. Cultural practices as contexts for development. BF721.N49 1995 no.67 IN
Book Kessell, Dmitri, 1902- Splendors of Christendom : great art and architecture in European churches. NA5450.S5 1964 IN
Book Kesselman, Mark. Introduction to comparative politics: political challenges and changing agendas. JF51.K48 2013 IN
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