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  Author Title Call Number Status
 2 Craddock, Gerald S.
 2 Craddock, Jerry
Video Crafford, Ian. The emerald forest. MITC VC 108 IN
Book Craib, John. Archaeological survey of Ulithi Atoll, Western Caroline Islands. Pac.DU568.U5 C68 1980 IN
 4 Craib, John L.
Book Craib, John L., Ph.D., Principal Investigator, Bonhomme, Craib & Associates Archaeological Consultants, Mudgeeraba, Queensland, Australia. Truk archaeology : an intensive archaeological survey of Pwené Village, Dublon, Truk State, Federated States of Micronesia. Pac.DU568.T78.C72 1997 IN
 2 Craig, Al
 5 Craig, Albert M.
Book Craig, Alexander, 1923- Twelve poets, 1950-1970. Pac.PR9558.C7 IN
Book Craig, Barry. Art and performance in Oceania. Pac.DU28.A78 1999 IN
Mixed Craig, Douglas Geographical history of the central-western Pacific black fly subgenus Insliellum (Diptera: Simuliidae: Simulium) based on a reconstructed phylogeny of the species, hot-spot archipelagoes and hydrological considerations / Douglas A Craig, [et al.]. VerF 0841.01 Pac IN
Book Craig, James Island voyagers in new quests : an assessment of degree completion among Micronesian college students. Pac.LA2270.M5I8 IN
Serial Craig, James L. MARC study reveals surprises on Micronesian college dropouts.
Video Craig, Kimberly Adolescent substance abuse the inside story. MITC VC 571 IN
Book Craig, Lindsey. Dancing feet!. CRC Pic.C84 2010 IN
Book Craig, Lisa, 1941- How do kids of the world live?. CRC PR1175.3.C85 2005 IN
 2 Craig, P. (Peter)
Book Craig, Patricia. The Oxford book of English detective stories. PR1309.D4 O94 1990 IN
Book Craig, Robert, 1934- Who's who in Oceania. Pac.CT2775.W48 IN
 5 Craig, Robert D., 1934-
Book Craig, Robin Kundis. Berkshire encyclopedia of sustainability. Ref.HC79.E5B4576 2010 IN
Book Craig, William, 1929- The fall of Japan. Pac.D767.2.C7 IN
Mixed Craighead, Frank C. (Frank Cooper), 1916- We survive on a Pacific atoll. VerF 0594.48 Pac IN
Book Craighead, John Johnson, 1916- The grizzly bears of Yellowstone : their ecology in the Yellowstone ecosystem, 1959-1992. QL737.C27C72 1995 IN
Book Craighead, W. Edward. The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology and behavioral science. Ref.BF31.E52 2001 IN
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