View previous page View next page Author Search:  Allen, John K.
  Author Title Call Number Status
Book Aguon, Julian, author. The properties of perpetual light. Pac.DU647.A38 2021 IN
 2 Agur, A. M. R.
Book Agusiobo, O.N. Vegetable gardening. SB321.A64 1984 OUT
Video Agustine, Mark Taming wild horses. MITC VC 808 IN
Book Agyei-Mensah, Stephen Ofosu A content analysis of the computer applications courses in business studies programs in Micronesia colleges. Pac.LB1028.5.A39 1996 IN
Book Ah Leong, Joyce Samuelu, author Proposed model for Samoa's Community-based Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (CEAFM). Pac.SH319.W4T83 2012 IN
Book 'Aha Hulikoa Hawaiian Winter Workshop (1985: University of Hawaii at Manoa) Hawaiian Ocean Experiment : proceedings, Aha Hulikoa Hawaiian Winter Workshop, University of Hawaii, January 21-24, 1985. Pac.GC206.A32 1985 IN
Book 'Aha P›unana Leo. Mámaka kaiao: a modern Hawaiian vocabulary : a compilation of Hawaiian words that have been created, collected, and approved by the Hawaiian Lexicon Committee from 1987 through 2000. Pac.PL6446.M36 2003 IN
Book `Ahahui `¯Olelo Hawai'i`i. Ke Kumu Aupuni : ka mo`olelo Hawai'i`i no Kamehameha Ka Na`i Aupuni a me kana aupuni i ho`okumu ai. Pac.DU624.96.K35K85 1996 IN
Serial Ahearn, Charles. Spreading our wings : an examination of the evolution of the Regional Educational Laboratory at SERVE. Gov.ED1.302:SP7 IN
 2 Ahearn, Cynthia
Book Ahern, Donald E., Charge d'Affaires American Embassy, FSM Horizons : poems by the students of the Community College of Micronesia. Pac.PS3537.H57C66 1992 IN
 2 Ahern, Kevin G.
Book Ahl, Richard. Can democracy take root in post-Soviet Russia? : explorations in the state-society relations. JN6699.A15C36 1998 IN
Book Ahlberg, Allan. Mrs. Wobble the waitress. CRC Pic.A268 1982 IN
Book Ahlberg, Janet, ill. Mrs. Wobble the waitress. CRC Pic.A268 1982 IN
Video Ahlberg, Julie The fog of war. Errol Morris film. MITC DVD 102 IN
 4 Ahlburg, Dennis A.
Book Ahlstrom, Elbert Halvor. Development of lanternfishes (family Myctophidae) in the California current. Pac.QH1.L82B8 1970 IN
Book Ahlstrom, Justine. Early American abolitionists : a collection of anti-slavery writings, 1760-1820. Gov.E446.E18 2005 IN
Book Ahmad, Bashi-ruddi-n Mahmud, Invitation to Ahmadiyyat : being a statement of beliefs, a rationale of claims, and an invitation, on behalf of the Ahmadiyya Movement for the propagation and rejuvenation of Islam. BP163.A5A336 2007 IN
Book Ahmad, Bashiruddin Mahmud, 188 Life of Muhammad : by Hadrat Mirza Bashiruddin : translated by Qadi Muhammad Aslam. BP75.A5 2013 IN
Book Ahmad, Bashiruddin Mahmud, 1989-1965 Introduction to the study of the Holy Quran. BP130.A5 2007 IN
Book Ahmad, Ghulam, 1839-1908. Jesus in India : Jesus' deliverance from the cross & journey to India. BX3746.A5 2010 IN
Book Ahmad, Mira Masroor, 1950- author. World crisis and the pathway to peace : a compilation of speeches and letters of Hadrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Imam and the Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama¯'at, Fifth Successor to the Promised Messiahas, may Allah the Almighty be his help. BP190.5.W35Q74 2014 IN
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